VLAN problem on some em(4) cards

Christoph Moench-Tegeder cmt at burggraben.net
Sun Apr 10 18:22:41 UTC 2016

## Kurt Jaeger (lists at opsec.eu):

> Have you tried fiddeling with the flags ?
> examples:
> ifconfig em0 -rxcsum -txcsum -wol
> ifconfig em0 -vlanmtu -vlanhwtag

I hadn't touched WOL, but almost everything else.
I also tried sysctl net.link.vlan.soft_pad (no effect, either).

> sysctl -a | grep dev.em | grep desc

dev.em.0.interrupts.rx_desc_min_thresh: 0
dev.em.0.queue_tx_0.no_desc_avail: 0
dev.em.0.%desc: Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network Connection 7.6.1-k

This is the same for the non-working (82574L) and working (82579LM)
interfaces - that's why I though lspci would be more interesting.


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