recommended poudriere jail versions?

Marko Cupać marko.cupac at
Thu Oct 1 08:40:28 UTC 2015


what is the recommended poudriere jail version for building ports? So
far I was trying to be on latest binary patchlevel for every minor
version for both base system, poudriere jails and clients, but I ended
up with three jails just for amd64 (9.3, 10.1 and 10.2), where I need to
rebuild all the ports every time I patch poudriere jails. This is
starting to take too much of my time.

I see that hosts just one set of ports per
architecture of major version. What is the OS version they are built
on? Are there any downsides in building all the ports for
10.2-<latestpathclevel> on 10.1-<nopatches>?

Thank you in advance,
Before enlightenment - chop wood, draw water.
After  enlightenment - chop wood, draw water.

Marko Cupać

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