Periodic jobs triggering panics in 10.1 and 10.2

Karl Denninger karl at
Thu Dec 10 13:31:50 UTC 2015

On 12/10/2015 02:40, Andriy Gapon wrote:
> On 10/12/2015 05:38, Karl Denninger wrote:
>> Beadm allows you to set the "next boot" and works as expected.
>> You can't select from the boot loader but you can certainly ping-pong
>> between a working and test environment easily (I do this all the time)
> Being able to easily switch between BEs during boot is a part of the BE
> experience.  Think of a situation where a new BE gets a kernel panic half way
> through the boot process.
Yeah, that's why I have a USB drive plugged into an (internal)
motherboard connector with a known-bootable image on it, maintained to a
sufficient level to work with whatever might otherwise hose me (e.g. ZFS
version flags)  :-=) 

Yes, I've needed it in anger before :->

Karl Denninger
karl at <mailto:karl at>
/The Market Ticker/
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