urtwn regression(?) from 10.2 to current r291431
Michael Mitchell
mmitchel at gmail.com
Sun Dec 6 16:25:07 UTC 2015
i pulled the recent RPI2 r291495 from ftp.freebsd.org, and i also notice that the urtwn usb dongle
i typically use is very flakey with -CURRENT on the Raspberry Pi 2. The symptoms sound very
similar to those described on this thread.
: mdm
> On Dec 6, 2015, at 6:44 AM, Anton Shterenlikht <mexas at bris.ac.uk> wrote:
>> From hps at selasky.org <mailto:hps at selasky.org> Sun Dec 6 14:41:27 2015
>> On 12/06/15 15:14, Anton Shterenlikht wrote:
>>> I posted this about a week ago:
>>> http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-current/2015-November/058683.html
>>> The problem is that urtwn stopped
>>> working in current r291431.
>>> I did more testing with the same revision,
>>> and sometimes it would work, but extremely
>>> slowly, and sometimes seemingly associate
>>> but get an address of
>>> I now installed 10.2-RELEASE-p8 and
>>> the urtwn works fine, no issues at all.
>>> Does this look like a bug at some recent
>>> current revision? Should I file a PR?
>>> I's just I recall there have been major
>>> chages to wlan, so perphaps I'm forgetting
>>> to change the config in recent current?
>>> Please advise
>>> Anton
>> Hi,
>> There is work ongoing in the WLAN drivers. Did you try the latest -current?
>> --HPS
> r291431 was about a week ago.
> Will try latest -current later today.
> Anton
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