Continuously increasing L2ARC header size

Daniel Genis daniel at
Tue Aug 11 15:54:17 UTC 2015

Hello everyone,

looking closer and comparing our servers, we infact have 2 servers
that behave differently, but they also have a different workload (mail
instead of file storage). They have identical hardware, but were
installed at a later time, compared to the servers which do have the issue.

They have a stable l2arc cache size, not like the one i described
previously, where the l2arc size is bigger than the dataset in the pool.

Nonleaking server:

L2 ARC Summary: (HEALTHY)
	Passed Headroom:			63.05m
	Tried Lock Failures:			198.57m
	IO In Progress:				53.57k
	Low Memory Aborts:			32
	Free on Write:				21.40k
	Writes While Full:			16.50k
	R/W Clashes:				3.50k
	Bad Checksums:				0
	IO Errors:				0
	SPA Mismatch:				613.80m

L2 ARC Size: (Adaptive)				443.42	GiB
	Header Size:			0.27%	1.22	GiB

L2 ARC Evicts:
	Lock Retries:				1.33k
	Upon Reading:				0

L2 ARC Breakdown:				191.36m
	Hit Ratio:			28.27%	54.09m
	Miss Ratio:			71.73%	137.27m
	Feeds:					1.68m

L2 ARC Buffer:
	Bytes Scanned:				4.28	PiB
	Buffer Iterations:			1.68m
	List Iterations:			107.55m
	NULL List Iterations:			1.16m

L2 ARC Writes:
	Writes Sent:			100.00%	915.04k

No bad checksums or IO Errors. The l2arc size of 443gb is sensible
compared to it's actual size (373gb).

Yet aside of the workload I cannot find any difference between the
2 "mail" fileservers and the other 6+ "web" fileservers doing storage
for websites. They're identical in every regard, aside of the workload
and the time of installation. The mail fileservers were installed much
later in comparison.

I just wanted to add this, as it maybe very relevant.

With kind regards,


On 08/11/2015 04:42 PM, Daniel Genis wrote:
> Dear FreeBSD community,
> We're facing a somewhat odd issue, perhaps similar to what is discussed
> here:
> The issue is that the L2ARC header seems to grow without limit, similar
> to a memory leak, pressuring more and more memory over time out of the ARC.
> For example, the output of "zpool iostat -v 1"
>                  capacity     operations    bandwidth
> pool          alloc   free   read  write   read  write
> ------------  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----
> syspool       1.15G   275G      0      0      0      0
>   mirror      1.15G   275G      0      0      0      0
>     gpt/zfs0      -      -      0      0      0      0
>     gpt/zfs1      -      -      0      0      0      0
> ------------  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----
> tank          1.21T  1.51T    229  1.99K  3.67M  9.48M
>   mirror       124G   154G     67    125   787K   503K
>     da0           -      -     20     27   440K   503K
>     da1           -      -     45     28   379K   503K
> [...]
>   mirror       124G   154G     34    164   454K   612K
>     da18          -      -     26     12   417K   612K
>     da19          -      -      6     13  58.8K   612K
> logs              -      -      -      -      -      -
>   mirror       117M  74.4G      0    109      0  1.75M
>     da21          -      -      0    109      0  1.75M
>     da22          -      -      0    109      0  1.75M
> cache             -      -      -      -      -      -
>   da23        1.67T  16.0E    302      7  2.85M   223K
> ------------  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----
> Here the cache shows 1.67T, in use and 16.0E free.
> The cache is a 373GB Intel SSD.
> # diskinfo -v da23
> da23
> 	512         	# sectorsize
> 	400088457216	# mediasize in bytes (373G)
> 	781422768   	# mediasize in sectors
> 	4096        	# stripesize
> 	0           	# stripeoffset
> 	48641       	# Cylinders according to firmware.
> 	255         	# Heads according to firmware.
> 	63          	# Sectors according to firmware.
> 	BTTV4234089C400HGN  	# Disk ident.
> 	id1,enc at n500e004aaaaaaa3e/type at 0/slot at 18	# Physical path
> The L2ARC stats section from "zfs-stats -a":
> L2 ARC Summary: (DEGRADED)
> 	Passed Headroom:			133.33m
> 	Tried Lock Failures:			4.90b
> 	IO In Progress:				313.63k
> 	Low Memory Aborts:			1.52k
> 	Free on Write:				589.79k
> 	Writes While Full:			34.57k
> 	R/W Clashes:				46.95k
> 	Bad Checksums:				408.40m
> 	IO Errors:				151.99m
> 	SPA Mismatch:				632.00m
> L2 ARC Size: (Adaptive)				1.89	TiB
> 	Header Size:			0.88%	16.98	GiB
> L2 ARC Evicts:
> 	Lock Retries:				1.27k
> 	Upon Reading:				2
> L2 ARC Breakdown:				2.10b
> 	Hit Ratio:			32.89%	691.15m
> 	Miss Ratio:			67.11%	1.41b
> 	Feeds:					3.70m
> L2 ARC Buffer:
> 	Bytes Scanned:				10.70	PiB
> 	Buffer Iterations:			3.70m
> 	List Iterations:			236.30m
> 	NULL List Iterations:			24.86m
> L2 ARC Writes:
> 	Writes Sent:			100.00%	3.38m
> Here we can see that currently the Header Size is almost 17gb.
> This header size grows continuously without (apparent) limit.
> Also zfs appears to think it's holding 1.89 TiB inside the L2ARC, which
> seems very very unlikely.
> # freebsd-version
> 10.1-RELEASE-p13
> # uname -a
> FreeBSD servername 10.1-RELEASE-p10 FreeBSD 10.1-RELEASE-p10 #0: Wed May
> 13 06:54:13 UTC 2015
> root at  amd64
> # uptime
>  4:35PM  up 42 days, 15:24, 1 user, load averages: 1.35, 0.96, 0.84
> Does anyone know how we can alleviate the issue?
> We originally thought the issue was caused by
> We have updated our Servers since but the header size seems to keep
> growing still. For reference, we have multiple bsd fileservers which are
> used mostly over NFS, all with identical configuration (but varying
> workload). They all still show these symptoms.
> Any tips/hints/pointers are appreciated!
> With kind regards,
> Daniel
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Met vriendelijke groeten,

Daniel Genis

Medewerker Techniek
Byte Internet

E daniel at
T 020 521 6226
F 020 521 6227

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