(once again) freebsd-update cron and man whatis

Michael B. Eichorn ike at michaeleichorn.com
Tue Aug 11 12:14:32 UTC 2015

On Tue, 2015-08-11 at 11:48 +0200, Marko Cupać wrote:
> On Tue, 11 Aug 2015 09:31:04 +0100
> Matthew Seaman <matthew at freebsd.org> wrote:
> > On 08/11/15 08:21, Marko Cupać wrote:
> > 
> > > - Next morning I get notification from freebsd-cron for the same
> > > update I installed yesterday, but only for /usr/share/man/whatis.
> > > (not ok)
> > 
> > Did you by any chance happend to run the weekly/320.makewhatis
> > periodic script that night?   It is enabled by default.  However, you
> > shouldn't need it if you maintain your system entirely through
> > freebsd-update.
> Hi Matthew,
> thank you for looking into it. I do maintain most of my systems
> entirely through freebsd-update, but with modified freebsd-update.conf
> so that it does not fetch sources.
> I have two systems which are redownloading /usr/share/man/whatis since
> Sunday update to -p17. Would things be clearer if I ran
> weekly/320.makewhatis and observed if that prevented re-downloads?
> What would be long-term solution for this? I
> guess /usr/share/man/whatis is compiled from src. As I have removed
> 'src' from freebsd-update.conf, and I have nothing under /usr/src,
> should I add /usr/share/man/whatis to IgnorePaths? I see it is already
> there for IDSIgnorePaths.
> Regards,

I too have freebsd-update cron trying to replace /usr/share/man/whatis on
a subset of my installs. I presume that the 320.makewhatis is generating
the new whatis, but the 320.makewhatis is more complete.

# diff whatis.freebsdupdate whatis.makewhatis
> bcd(6), ppt(6)           - reformat input as punch cards or paper tape
> caesar(6), rot13(6)      - decrypt caesar ciphers
> factor(6), primes(6)     - factor a number, generate primes
> fortune(6)               - print a random, hopefully interesting, adage
> grdc(6)                  - grand digital clock (curses)
> morse(6)                 - reformat input as morse code
> number(6)                - convert Arabic numerals to English
> pom(6)                   - display the phase of the moon
> random(6)                - random lines from a file or random numbers
> strfile(8), unstr(8)     - create a random access file for storing

This is what I get on a DigitalOcean FreeBSD 10.1-RELEASE which I have
only ever administered with freebsd-update and pkgng.

I also note all of these including strfile(8) and unstr(8) reside in

I would like to echo Marko's question what is the 'correct' way to handle
this situation?

Michael B. Eichorn
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