10.1-PRERELEASE -- mirrored swap ?

Matthew Seaman matthew at freebsd.org
Tue Sep 9 11:23:09 UTC 2014

I needed to install 10.1-PRERELEASE on some new hardware as we'd fluffed
the timing slightly and bought kit with an LSI SAS 3004 HBA, which 10.0
doesn't support.

Anyhow, I was gratified to see the option to 'Mirror Swap' in the
installer, as that's something we'd always want to do.  However, on this
server, we installed onto a RAIDZ1 of 6 drives, resulting in:

 root at log-1:~ # swapinfo
Device          1K-blocks     Used    Avail Capacity
/dev/mirror/swap   2097148        0  2097148     0%
root at log-1:~ # gmirror status
       Name    Status  Components
mirror/swap  COMPLETE  da0p2 (ACTIVE)
                       da1p2 (ACTIVE)
                       da2p2 (ACTIVE)
                       da3p2 (ACTIVE)
                       da4p2 (ACTIVE)
                       da5p2 (ACTIVE)

Huh?  A 6-way mirror seems pretty daft here.  I'd have expected 3 swap
devices each comprised of a 2-way mirror.



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