FreeBSD 10.1-BETA3 Now Available

Erich Dollansky erichsfreebsdlist at
Fri Oct 3 03:42:18 UTC 2014


On Wed, 01 Oct 2014 01:05:28 +0900 (JST)
YAMAMOTO Shigeru <shigeru at> wrote:

> >>>>> "shigeru" == YAMAMOTO Shigeru <shigeru at> writes:
> >>>>> "Erich" == Erich Dollansky <erichsfreebsdlist at> writes:
> >> On Sun, 28 Sep 2014 22:36:16 -0400 Glen Barber <gjb at>
> >> wrote: Why not try the images already available here?
> >>
> >> I have tried it now several times. All with the same result.
> I get SD image, FreeBSD-10.1-BETA3-arm-armv6-RPI-B.img.bz2, from that
> URL.
> When using original SD image, I can't boot because a kernel does not
> find root file system.
> I get a new firmware from
>  and I replace *.dat, *.elf in SD image.
>  # git clone
>  # mount_msdosfs /dev/da0s1 /mnt
>  # cp ./firmware/boot/*.dat /mnt/.
>  # cp ./firmware/boot/*.elf /mnt/.
>  # umount /mnt
> After replacing firmware image in SD image, I can boot RaspberryPi B+.

I did this again after realising that my firmware version could be
outdated. And yes, after copying the files, the Raspberry booted with
the network becoming available.

I am fighting at the moment with a very strange thing. I work a lot
with jails. After building 10.1 from sources for the Raspberry and a
reboot on the machine used, my jails do not connect to the network

I also compiled now most of my software I will need on the Raspberry
itself without major problems.


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