Can't build stable/10 from a stable/10 box

Dimitry Andric dim at
Tue Jun 10 18:00:24 UTC 2014

On 10 Jun 2014, at 15:30, Ryan Stone <rysto32 at> wrote:

> On Mon, Jun 9, 2014 at 5:00 PM, Dimitry Andric <dim at> wrote:
>> Any special settings in make.conf or src.conf?  Are you building
>> incrementally (e.g. with -DNO_CLEAN) or with a clean /usr/obj?
>> -Dimitry
> Hm.  I would swear that I tried cleaning the objdir manually, but I
> tried again and now it builds.  I definitely started with a clean
> objdir as it was located on a newly newfs'ed filesystem, but I have no
> idea what revision I was trying to build at that time.  Sorry for the
> noise.

I managed to reproduce your error.  It only happens when a dependency
file for a .inc.h file was generated, and when the .inc.h file then
needs to be regenerated.  I committed a fix in head in r267335, and I
will MFC it in three days.  Meanwhile, you can can use the attached

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