FreeBSD 9.3-RC2 and vmware 5.1 esxi (not a duplicate)

Dave Hayes dave at
Tue Jul 1 01:34:04 UTC 2014

This may look like a duplicate of

   <53B1DB21.7020900 at>

but it isn't. It's the same issue, but now it also belongs to the stock 
ISO. We tested the stock FreeBSD 9.3-RC2 iso on vmware 5.1 esxi as a 
guest. It says clearly

   CD Loader 1.2

and then there's screen gibberish which seems to indicate something is 
not found.

This evidence seems to indicate that there was a bootloader change 
between r255456 and r267340 that may be causing this; I am not familiar 
with the boot code enough to claim this is correct or not.

Does anyone have any insight into this issue? Should this issue be 
forwarded to a different mailing list? Thanks in advance. :)
Dave Hayes - Consultant - Altadena CA, USA - dave at
 >>>> *The opinions expressed above are entirely my own* <<<<

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