vesa.ko do not load with ASpeed AST2300 chipset

Jung-uk Kim jkim at
Tue Jan 28 17:57:05 UTC 2014

Hash: SHA1

On 2014-01-28 10:20:51 -0500, Florian Millet wrote:
> Athena Distribution <>
> Athena Distribution - Millet Florian Le 24/01/2014 19:18, Jung-uk
> Kim a écrit :
>> On 2014-01-24 09:11:05 -0500, Florian Millet wrote:
>>> Hello everyone,
>>> I stumbled into a problem with a gigabyte motherboard
>>> (GA-6PXSV3), more specifically the integrated video chipset on
>>> it. The chipset is a ASpeed AST2300 and supposedly handle up to
>>> a resolution of 1920x1200. ( for reference : 
>>> ) My 
>>> problem is not under but in console mode, the vesa.ko
>>> module refuses to load with this chipset giving me a :
>>> module_register_init: MOD_LOAD (vesa, 0xffffffff81214000, 0)
>>> error 19
>>> When trying to see which resolution I can use in console mode
>>> with `vidcontrol -i mode` I get only one line :
>>> 3 (0x003) 0x00000001 T 80x25        8x8    0xb80000 32k 32k 
>>> 0x00000000 32k
>>> Unfortunately recompiling with VESA_DEBUG=1 does not yield any 
>>> more information as to why it refuses to load (compiled in
>>> kernel or as a module). Enabling the define MODE_TABLE_BROKEN
>>> in /usr/src/sys/dev/fb/vesa.c changes nothing. This problem has
>>> been confirmed on FreeBSD 10/STABLE and 9.2/RELEASE.
>>> I tried to flash the vbios to the latest version but their
>>> utility tells me it is impossible since the version installed
>>> is "invalidate" ...
>>> `pciconf -lv` gives me : vgapci0 at pci0:8:0:0:    class=0x030000 
>>> card=0x20001458 chip=0x20001a03 rev=0x21 hdr=0x00 vendor    = 
>>> 'ASPEED Technology, Inc.' device    = 'ASPEED Graphics Family' 
>>> class     = display subclass  = VGA
>>> Does anyone has an idea as to why I can't have any other
>>> resolution in console mode ? I can give access to the machine
>>> via ssh if it helps debugging the problem.
>> I believe they officially support FreeBSD.
>> Jung-uk Kim
> Hello,
> You are correct there _is_ some support on their part for FreeBSD. 
> Unfortunately these drivers are only for X. My problem is in 
> console/text mode (I do not have X on this machine nor do I want
> to).

No, I didn't mean it.  I'm just saying you may want to directly
contact ASPEED because they officially support FreeBSD, it seems.
(Hint: I saw support e-mail address in one of these downloadable files
on the support site.)  For example, they even have video BIOS flasher
for FreeBSD.

> Does this problem come from only an unrecognized card or the
> problem is deeper and more complicated ?

I believe it's a video BIOS issue.  Probably you need to flash it with
the latest video BIOS first.  If it does not work, please let them
know about it.

Jung-uk Kim
Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (FreeBSD)


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