FreeBSD 10-STABLE/PowerPC nullfs regression

Jason Hellenthal jhellenthal at
Tue Jan 28 03:45:19 UTC 2014

Anyone noticed under the subject listed details that nullfs has taken a dive ?

The Mac G4 I have is barely stable and I can't even get it to produce a crash dump let alone hold pressure on a filesystem in RW for greater than 10 minutes. It would seem that a memory exhaustion may be present here but I'm not certain. I've tried about everything I can think of to produce further info but it's all failed.

The configuration is just generic and use nullfs in a similar fashion as you would find with ZFS to mount from a UFS drive RW onto another like the following mount point  . . . 

From UFS to UFS non-journaled on both sides.
/export/usr/obj /usr/obj nullfs rw 0 0

While I have other mount points using nullfs for RO configuration like src and ports specifically using it to keep stuff clean.

/export/usr/src /usr/src ro 0 0

This all worked on 8.X and 9.X branches flawlessly for a long time but here on 10.X it is rather obscure.

Thanks for any insight.

PS: yeah I know ..  Symlinks would suffice for the RW ops but that's not the point.

 Jason Hellenthal
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