Processes are incorrectly marked as swapped out

Ronald Klop ronald-lists at
Thu Jan 23 13:02:33 UTC 2014

On Thu, 23 Jan 2014 13:19:36 +0100, Dmitry Sivachenko  
<trtrmitya at> wrote:

> Hello!
> After upgrade from stable/9 to stable/10 I see the following regression.
> Some processes are marked as swapped out in top(1) output:
>  1436 root            1  43    0 16524K     0K nanslp 14   1:14   0.00%  
> <cron>
>  1381 smmsp           1  20    0 23988K     0K pause  18   0:04   0.00%  
> <sendma
> 99348 mitya           1  21    0 23492K     0K pause  16   0:00   0.00%  
> <csh>
> ps(1) also shows them as swapped out (W as second character in state  
> field):
>  1381  -  IWs       0:00.00 sendmail: Queue runner at 00:30:00 for  
> /var/spool/clie
>  1436  -  IWs       0:00.00 /usr/sbin/cron -s
> 80231  -  IWs       0:00.00 /usr/local/sbin/collectdmon -c  
> /usr/local/sbin/coll
> 99348  1  IWs       0:00.00 -csh (csh)
> Though swapinfo reports that zero swap is used and even if I turn swap  
> completely off (swapoff -a)
> the output of both top(1) and ps(1) does not change: these processes are  
> still marked as swapped out.

The code of an application can get removed from memory, because there  
still is an image of it in the executable on disk. It can be 'swapped' in  
by reading the executable again. The program is memory mapped (mmap).
See VN PAGER vs SWAP PAGER in 'systat -vm'.


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