FreeBSD 10.0-RC5 Now Available

Warren Block wblock at
Sat Jan 11 23:04:50 UTC 2014

On Sat, 11 Jan 2014, Mark Felder wrote:

> On Jan 11, 2014, at 14:58, Warren Block <wblock at> wrote:
>> On Sat, 11 Jan 2014, Mark Felder wrote:
>>> FreeBSD's use of HAL for Xorg is a lazy emulation of how Linux does it.
>>> The right way is to hook devd directly, which is what the DEVD option
>>> does. Try it -- you'll be surprised how much more reliable it is.
>> Or just disable X hotplug device detection with Option "AutoAddDevices" "Off".  I have this off, and can still attach extra keyboards and mice and have them work.
> That's interesting. I've never been able to do that with AutoAddDevices being Off. Instead, it only accepts the inputs that were there when you start X and if they are disconnected for any reason you're kind of screwed...

It will probably only work with USB devices.  kbdmux handles the 
keyboards, and... devd handles the mice, I suppose.

Hmm.  It does not seem to matter which way AutoAddDevices is set, 
plugging in an additional mouse results in both being able to move the 
pointer.  Note that I am using xfce and do not even have HAL installed.

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