FreeBSD 10.0-RC5 AMD64 pkg upgrade fail by gcc/gcc46
Boris Samorodov
bsam at
Sat Jan 11 11:22:01 UTC 2014
11.01.2014 14:37, CeDeROM пишет:
> On Sat, Jan 11, 2014 at 11:29 AM, CeDeROM <cederom at> wrote:
>> On Sat, Jan 11, 2014 at 3:18 AM, Gerald Pfeifer <gerald at> wrote:
>>> Wait a minute: is one of yoir ports hard coding lang/gcc46 instead of doing USE_GCC? If so, here is the bug.
>>> Gerald
> Here goes the full ouput of the "pkg upgrade" maybe it will help you
> find the solution :-)
It's not a solution but a workaround which helped me. Run the following
command to find out which installed packages need gcc46 (note it's a
one line command):
% for o in `pkg info -aoq`; do \[ \! -z `pkg query %dn-%dv -o $o | grep
gcc46` \] && echo $o; done
In my case opera and one more (may be virtualbox) packages used gcc46.
Just remove them, then remove gcc46 and upgrade packages.
WBR, Boris Samorodov (bsam)
FreeBSD Committer, The Power To Serve
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