December 2014 Archives by author
Starting: Mon Dec 1 00:38:01 UTC 2014
Ending: Wed Dec 31 09:53:25 UTC 2014
Messages: 287
- fdescfs kernel panic on 10.1-RELEASE
Mahmoud Al-Qudsi
- fdescfs kernel panic on 10.1-RELEASE
Mahmoud Al-Qudsi
- I do not quite understand why a BIND upgrade needs to touch soo much.
Brandon Allbery
- I do not quite understand why a BIND upgrade needs to touch soo much.
Brandon Allbery
- I do not quite understand why a BIND upgrade needs to touch soo much.
Brandon Allbery
- Problem updatin ports
Brandon Allbery
- PKG wants to remove a lot of installed packages only to install MOZJPEG package
Brandon Allbery
- Help debugging stable/10
Shane Ambler
- Help debugging stable/10
Shane Ambler
- Help debugging stable/10
Shane Ambler
- Help debugging stable/10
Shane Ambler
- Creating a bootable ZFS disk?
Shane Ambler
- Trying to upgrade from 9.3-Stable to 10.1-Stable
Dimitry Andric
- missing /usr/lib/libc_nonshared.a
Dimitry Andric
- CPUTYPEs includig avx are suspicious with clang in stable/10
Dimitry Andric
- CPUTYPEs includig avx are suspicious with clang in stable/10
Dimitry Andric
- SuperMicro IPMI/SOL and ipmitool troubles
John Baldwin
- Help debugging stable/10
John Baldwin
- FreeBSD 10.1 qcow2 image panic on Linux VM hosts
John Baldwin
- Help debugging stable/10
John Baldwin
- FreeBSD 10.1-amd64 -> booting on a HP DL380 Gen9 results in panic
John Baldwin
- CPUTYPEs includig avx are suspicious with clang in stable/10
John Baldwin
- NFS negative name caching and amd
John Baldwin
- NFS negative name caching and amd
John Baldwin
- 10.1 regression: process using serial port becomes unkillable when no modem control signals
Konstantin Belousov
- fdescfs kernel panic on 10.1-RELEASE
Konstantin Belousov
- Old 32-bit binary stopped working after upgrade to 10.1/amd64
Konstantin Belousov
- Trying to upgrade from 9.3-Stable to 10.1-Stable
Warren Block
- BIND chroot environment in 10-RELEASE...gone?
Warren Block
- Mounting swap partition
Warren Block
- Creating a bootable ZFS disk?
Warren Block
- Creating a bootable ZFS disk?
Warren Block
- Creating a bootable ZFS disk?
Warren Block
- Creating a bootable ZFS disk?
Warren Block
- [CFT] pkg 1.4.0 rc2
Jeffrey Bouquet
- buildworld/installworld troubling residual v9 > v10
Jeffrey Bouquet
- [SOLVED] buildworld/installworld troubling residual v9 > v10
Jeffrey Bouquet
- Kernel panic when closing Xorg
Andrei Brezan
- Kernel panic when closing Xorg
Andrei Brezan
- Kernel panic when closing Xorg
Andrei Brezan
- PKG wants to remove a lot of installed packages only to install MOZJPEG package
Michael Butler
- ZFS available space difference between 10.0 and 10.1
Freddie Cash
- ath(4) device timeout -> reboot necessary
Adrian Chadd
- i386 PAE kernel works fine on 10-stable
Adrian Chadd
- New bug with O_CREAT|O_EXCL and NFS?
Christian Corti
- New bug with O_CREAT|O_EXCL and NFS?
Christian Corti
- New bug with O_CREAT|O_EXCL and NFS?
Christian Corti
- 10.1-RELEASE-p3 possibly broke parts of dns resolution in postfix
Marko Cupać
- mail/postfix does not resolve in mysql maps
Marko Cupać
- mail/postfix does not resolve in mysql maps
Marko Cupać
- mail/postfix does not resolve in mysql maps
Marko Cupać
- mail/postfix does not resolve in mysql maps
Marko Cupać
- [CFT] pkg 1.4.0 rc2
Baptiste Daroussin
- [CFT] pkg 1.4.0 rc2
Baptiste Daroussin
- [CFT] pkg 1.4.0 rc2
Baptiste Daroussin
- Assertion failed & Abort trap from pkg subsystem
Baptiste Daroussin
- Assertion failed & Abort trap from pkg subsystem
Baptiste Daroussin
- Fail building libc in 10-STABLE rev 276179
Chagin Dmitry
- FreeBSD 10.1-amd64 -> booting on a HP DL380 Gen9 results in panic
Rainer Duffner
- Zpool is segfaulting
Stéphane Dupille
- Zpool is segfaulting
Stéphane Dupille
- Shipment status ID#00770440
FedEx International Economy
- wrong patchlevel after freebsd-update install?
Michael B. Eichorn
- I do not quite understand why a BIND upgrade needs to touch soo much.
Trond Endrestøl
- Facebook password change
- Hard system lockups with 10.1, probably drm/newcons/radeonkms-related
Pete French
- Hard system lockups with 10.1, probably drm/newcons/radeonkms-related
Pete French
- Hard system lockups with 10.1, probably drm/newcons/radeonkms-related
Pete French
- 10.1 RC4 r273903 - zpool scrub on ssd mirror - ahci command timeout
Kai Gallasch
- 10.1 RC4 r273903 - zpool scrub on ssd mirror - ahci command timeout
Kai Gallasch
- 10.1 mmap on zfs not updating mtime
Andriy Gapon
- 10.1 mmap on zfs not updating mtime
Andriy Gapon
- Help debugging stable/10
Andriy Gapon
- ipsec routing issue
Dewayne Geraghty
- restore a periodic backup of pkg db
Chris H
- BIND chroot environment in 10-RELEASE...gone?
Chris H
- BIND chroot environment in 10-RELEASE...gone?
Chris H
- BIND chroot environment in 10-RELEASE...gone?
Chris H
- 10.1 RC4 r273903 - zpool scrub on ssd mirror - ahci command timeout
- 10.1 RC4 r273903 - zpool scrub on ssd mirror - ahci command timeout
- ZFS 'mount error 5' hits production server
Steven Hartland
- Panic (fatal double fault) in a fresh installed 10.1-RELEASE (i386) r274401 with ZFS and GEOM_ELI
Steven Hartland
- ZFS 'mount error 5' hits production server
Steven Hartland
- ZFS 'mount error 5' hits production server
Steven Hartland
- ZFS 'mount error 5' hits production server
Steven Hartland
- ZFS 'mount error 5' hits production server
Steven Hartland
- ZFS 'mount error 5' hits production server
Steven Hartland
- 10.1 RC4 r273903 - zpool scrub on ssd mirror - ahci command timeout
Steven Hartland
- Mounting swap partition
Steven Hartland
- 10.1 RC4 r273903 - zpool scrub on ssd mirror - ahci command timeout
Steven Hartland
- 10.1 RC4 r273903 - zpool scrub on ssd mirror - ahci command timeout
Steven Hartland
- 10.1-RELEASE-p3 possibly broke parts of dns resolution in postfix
Steven Hartland
- Creating a bootable ZFS disk?
Steven Hartland
- Creating a bootable ZFS disk?
Steven Hartland
- Creating a bootable ZFS disk?
Steven Hartland
- Creating a bootable ZFS disk?
Steven Hartland
- Creating a bootable ZFS disk?
Steven Hartland
- Creating a bootable ZFS disk?
Steven Hartland
- Creating a bootable ZFS disk?
Steven Hartland
- Creating a bootable ZFS disk?
Steven Hartland
- Creating a bootable ZFS disk?
Steven Hartland
- Creating a bootable ZFS disk?
Steven Hartland
- Creating a bootable ZFS disk?
Steven Hartland
- Music composer for Tv commercials, films and video games
Rotem Hecht
- freebsd-update 10.0 -> 10.1 segmentation fault (nsswitch.conf w mysql)
Scot Hetzel
- Assertion failed & Abort trap from pkg subsystem
Scot Hetzel
- Assertion failed & Abort trap from pkg subsystem
Scot Hetzel
- System hang on shutdown when running freebsd-update
Walter Hop
- System hang on shutdown when running freebsd-update
Walter Hop
- System hang on shutdown when running freebsd-update
Walter Hop
- System hang on shutdown when running freebsd-update
Walter Hop
- Hard system lockups with 10.1, probably drm/newcons/radeonkms-related
Mikael Ikivesi
- wrong patchlevel after freebsd-update install?
Kurt Jaeger
- wrong patchlevel after freebsd-update install?
Kurt Jaeger
- ZFS available space difference between 10.0 and 10.1
Mark Kane
- ZFS available space difference between 10.0 and 10.1
Mark Kane
- Creating a bootable ZFS disk?
Dr Josef Karthauser
- Creating a bootable ZFS disk?
Dr Josef Karthauser
- Creating a bootable ZFS disk?
Dr Josef Karthauser
- Creating a bootable ZFS disk?
Dr Josef Karthauser
- Creating a bootable ZFS disk?
Dr Josef Karthauser
- Creating a bootable ZFS disk?
Dr Josef Karthauser
- Creating a bootable ZFS disk?
Dr Josef Karthauser
- Creating a bootable ZFS disk?
Dr Josef Karthauser
- Creating a bootable ZFS disk?
Dr Josef Karthauser
- Creating a bootable ZFS disk?
Dr Josef Karthauser
- Creating a bootable ZFS disk?
Dr Josef Karthauser
- Creating a bootable ZFS disk?
Dr Josef Karthauser
- Zpool is segfaulting
Fabian Keil
- zpool upgrade - Assertion failed: ... libzfs/common/libzfs_config.c, line 250
Fabian Keil
- Fail building libc in 10-STABLE rev 276179
Jimmy Kelley
- restore a periodic backup of pkg db
Ronald Klop
- BIND chroot environment in 10-RELEASE...gone?
Ronald Klop
- I do not quite understand why a BIND upgrade needs to touch soo much.
Ronald Klop
- BIND chroot environment in 10-RELEASE...gone?
Chris Knight
- freebsd-update: deleting / ?
Kubilay Kocak
- 10.1 mmap on zfs not updating mtime
Paul Koch
- Freed UMA keg Lost pages of memory
George Kola
- 9.2-STABLE #0 r259072 -> 9.3 buildworld fails
Volodymyr Kostyrko
- 9.2-STABLE #0 r259072 -> 9.3 buildworld fails
Volodymyr Kostyrko
- 9.2-STABLE #0 r259072 -> 9.3 buildworld fails
Volodymyr Kostyrko
- freebsd-update 10.0 -> 10.1 segmentation fault (nsswitch.conf w mysql)
Thomas Krause
- freebsd-update 10.0 -> 10.1 segmentation fault (nsswitch.conf w mysql)
Thomas Krause
- Installing 10.1 on a NVME SSD
Thomas Krause
- 10.1 RC4 r273903 - zpool scrub on ssd mirror - ahci command timeout
Stephane LAPIE
- 10.1 RC4 r273903 - zpool scrub on ssd mirror - ahci command timeout
- PKG wants to remove a lot of installed packages only to install MOZJPEG package
Jakub Lach
- PKG wants to remove a lot of installed packages only to install MOZJPEG package
Jakub Lach
- Mounting swap partition
Miroslav Lachman
- CPUTYPEs includig avx are suspicious with clang in stable/10
Jamie Landeg-Jones
- I do not quite understand why a BIND upgrade needs to touch soo much.
Erwin Lansing
- BIND chroot environment in 10-RELEASE...gone?
Erwin Lansing
- Hard system lockups with 10.1, probably drm/newcons/radeonkms-related
Roger Leigh
- Trying to upgrade from 9.3-Stable to 10.1-Stable
Ian Lepore
- i386 PAE kernel works fine on 10-stable
Ian Lepore
- i386 PAE kernel works fine on 10-stable
Ian Lepore
- i386 PAE kernel works fine on 10-stable
Ian Lepore
- Freed UMA keg Lost pages of memory
Xin Li
- Old 32-bit binary stopped working after upgrade to 10.1/amd64
- New bug with O_CREAT|O_EXCL and NFS?
Rick Macklem
- ipsec routing issue
Aristedes Maniatis
- ipsec routing issue
Aristedes Maniatis
- ipsec routing issue
Aristedes Maniatis
- zpool upgrade - Assertion failed: ... libzfs/common/libzfs_config.c, line 250
Mark Martinec
- zpool upgrade - Assertion failed: ... libzfs/common/libzfs_config.c, line 250
Mark Martinec
- wrong patchlevel after freebsd-update install?
Paul Mather
- geom_multipath and zfs doesn't work
Adam McDougall
- System hang on shutdown when running freebsd-update
Juan Ramón Molina Menor
- System hang on shutdown when running freebsd-update
Juan Ramón Molina Menor
- System hang on shutdown when running freebsd-update
Juan Ramón Molina Menor
- 10.1 regression: process using serial port becomes unkillable when no modem control signals
Jan Mikkelsen
- 10.1 regression: process using serial port becomes unkillable when no modem control signals
Jan Mikkelsen
- bsdtar POLA change in 10.0?
Jan Mikkelsen
- bsdtar POLA change in 10.0?
Jan Mikkelsen
- FreeBSD 10.1 qcow2 image panic on Linux VM hosts
Marcel Moolenaar
- Help debugging stable/10
Adam Vande More
- Kbd problem in 10.1-STABLE
Filippo Moretti
- Problem updatin ports
Filippo Moretti
- /bin/freebsd-version does not get rebuilt in NO_CLEAN build:
Dmitry Morozovsky
- freebsd-update 10.0 -> 10.1 segmentation fault (nsswitch.conf w mysql)
Ben Morrow
- geom_multipath and zfs doesn't work
Nagy, Attila
- geom_multipath and zfs doesn't work
Nagy, Attila
- SuperMicro IPMI/SOL and ipmitool troubles
Andreas Nilsson
- wrong patchlevel after freebsd-update install?
Kevin Oberman
- Mounting swap partition
Kevin Oberman
- Mounting swap partition
Kevin Oberman
- BIND chroot environment in 10-RELEASE...gone?
Kevin Oberman
- BIND chroot environment in 10-RELEASE...gone?
Kevin Oberman
- Help debugging stable/10
Kevin Oberman
- Assertion failed & Abort trap from pkg subsystem
Kevin Oberman
- "random" hangs during boot, ACPI related ? Workaround problem by disabling HTT
Kevin Oberman
- PKG wants to remove a lot of installed packages only to install MOZJPEG package
Kevin Oberman
- 9.2-STABLE #0 r259072 -> 9.3 buildworld fails
Joseph Olatt
- 9.2-STABLE #0 r259072 -> 9.3 buildworld fails
Joseph Olatt
- 9.2-STABLE #0 r259072 -> 9.3 buildworld fails
Joseph Olatt
- Problem updatin ports
Gary Palmer
- NFS negative name caching and amd
Richard Perini
- NFS negative name caching and amd
Richard Perini
- i386 PAE kernel works fine on 10-stable
Alfred Perlstein
- i386 PAE kernel works fine on 10-stable
Alfred Perlstein
- i386 PAE kernel works fine on 10-stable
Alfred Perlstein
- i386 PAE kernel works fine on 10-stable
Alfred Perlstein
- Classical Academic Press Insights - December 2014
Dr. Christopher Perrin
- Need help with unexpected reboot in 10.1-RELEASE
Natacha Porté
- Confirm your subscription to 2015 homeschool insights
Classical Academic Press
- "random" hangs during boot, ACPI related ? Workaround problem by disabling HTT
Thomas Steen Rasmussen
- Call for Help: Setting up Saltstack for devops of cluster
Craig Rodrigues
- Assertion failed & Abort trap from pkg subsystem
Michael Ross
- Assertion failed & Abort trap from pkg subsystem
Michael Ross
- FreeBSD 10.1-amd64 -> booting on a HP DL380 Gen9 results in panic
Mark Saad
- i386 PAE kernel works fine on 10-stable
Mehmet Erol Sanliturk
- pkg-1.4-0 signal-4-exit with core-avx-i; FreeBSD:10:i386 vs. FreeBSD:10:32?
Harry Schmalzbauer
- New in pkg-1.4-0 pkg: unlinkat(usr/local/): Read-only file system [Was: pkg-1.4-0 signal-4-exit with core-avx-i; FreeBSD:10:i386 vs. FreeBSD:10:32?]
Harry Schmalzbauer
- CPUTYPEs includig avx are suspicious with clang in stable/10
Harry Schmalzbauer
- CPUTYPEs includig avx are suspicious with clang in stable/10
Harry Schmalzbauer
- ZFS 'mount error 5' hits production server
Michael Schmiedgen
- ZFS 'mount error 5' hits production server
Michael Schmiedgen
- ZFS 'mount error 5' hits production server
Michael Schmiedgen
- ZFS 'mount error 5' hits production server
Michael Schmiedgen
- ZFS 'mount error 5' hits production server
Michael Schmiedgen
- ZFS 'mount error 5' hits production server
Michael Schmiedgen
- ZFS 'mount error 5' hits production server
Michael Schmiedgen
- ZFS 'mount error 5' hits production server
Michael Schmiedgen
- Help debugging stable/10
Hans Petter Selasky
- freebsd-update: Installing updates...install: ///usr/src/contrib/tzdata/ No such file or directory
Anton Shterenlikht
- wrong patchlevel after freebsd-update install?
Anton Shterenlikht
- wrong patchlevel after freebsd-update install?
Anton Shterenlikht
- Kbd problem in 10.1-STABLE
Herbert J. Skuhra
- mail/postfix does not resolve in mysql maps
Herbert J. Skuhra
- Elusive manpage [was: i386 PAE kernel works fine on 10-stable]
Ian Smith
- BIND chroot environment in 10-RELEASE...gone?
Ian Smith
- BIND chroot environment in 10-RELEASE...gone?
Matt Smith
- /bin/freebsd-version does not get rebuilt in NO_CLEAN build:
Dag-Erling Smørgrav
- freebsd-update: deleting / ?
James Snow
- BIND chroot environment in 10-RELEASE...gone?
Michelle Sullivan
- [Bug 193389] [panic] ufs_dirbad: /: bad dir
Michelle Sullivan
- System hang on shutdown when running freebsd-update
Jilles Tjoelker
- freebsd-update: deleting / ?
Matthieu Volat
- Mounting swap partition
Net Warrior
- Mounting swap partition
Net Warrior
- Mounting swap partition
Net Warrior
- Problem updatin ports
Christian Weisgerber
- i386 PAE kernel works fine on 10-stable
Peter Wemm
- i386 PAE kernel works fine on 10-stable
Peter Wemm
- freebsd-update: Installing updates...install: ///usr/src/contrib/tzdata/ No such file or directory
Royce Williams
- Trying to upgrade from 9.3-Stable to 10.1-Stable
Willem Jan Withagen
- Trying to upgrade from 9.3-Stable to 10.1-Stable
Willem Jan Withagen
- Trying to upgrade from 9.3-Stable to 10.1-Stable
Willem Jan Withagen
- missing /usr/lib/libc_nonshared.a
Willem Jan Withagen
- [CFT] pkg 1.4.0 rc2
Willem Jan Withagen
- missing /usr/lib/libc_nonshared.a
Willem Jan Withagen
- missing /usr/lib/libc_nonshared.a
Willem Jan Withagen
- missing /usr/lib/libc_nonshared.a
Willem Jan Withagen
- I do not quite understand why a BIND upgrade needs to touch soo much.
Willem Jan Withagen
- I do not quite understand why a BIND upgrade needs to touch soo much.
Willem Jan Withagen
- I do not quite understand why a BIND upgrade needs to touch soo much.
Willem Jan Withagen
- I do not quite understand why a BIND upgrade needs to touch soo much.
Garrett Wollman
- ath(4) device timeout -> reboot necessary
Thomas Zander
- Panic (fatal double fault) in a fresh installed 10.1-RELEASE (i386) r274401 with ZFS and GEOM_ELI
Vinícius Zavam
- ipsec routing issue
Bjoern A. Zeeb
- System hang on shutdown when running freebsd-update
andrew clarke
- [Bug 194534] [freebsd-update] upgrade from FreeBSD-10-RELEASE to FreeBSD-10.1RC2 system fail to boot.
bugzilla-noreply at
- [Bug 193360] [panic] [syscons] random syscons panic
bugzilla-noreply at
- [Bug 193389] [panic] ufs_dirbad: /: bad dir
bugzilla-noreply at
- [Bug 193389] [panic] ufs_dirbad: /: bad dir
bugzilla-noreply at
- [Bug 193389] [panic] ufs_dirbad: /: bad dir
bugzilla-noreply at
- [Bug 193389] [panic] ufs_dirbad: /: bad dir
bugzilla-noreply at
- [Bug 193389] [panic] ufs_dirbad: /: bad dir
bugzilla-noreply at
- [Bug 193388] [panic] bad pte
bugzilla-noreply at
- Jenkins build is back to normal : Build-UFS-image #596
jenkins-admin at
- Jenkins build is back to normal : Build-UFS-image #618
jenkins-admin at
- Jenkins build is back to normal : Build-UFS-image #672
jenkins-admin at
- Jenkins build is back to normal : Build-UFS-image #689
jenkins-admin at
- Jenkins build is back to normal : Build-UFS-image #716
jenkins-admin at
- Build failed in Jenkins: Build-UFS-image #769
jenkins-admin at
- Jenkins build is back to normal : Build-UFS-image #798
jenkins-admin at
- Build failed in Jenkins: FreeBSD_stable_9 #595
jenkins-admin at
- Build failed in Jenkins: Build-UFS-image #807
jenkins-admin at
- Build failed in Jenkins: Build-UFS-image #809
jenkins-admin at
- Jenkins build is back to normal : FreeBSD_stable_9 #596
jenkins-admin at
- Jenkins build is back to normal : Build-UFS-image #811
jenkins-admin at
- Creating a bootable ZFS disk?
- BIND chroot environment in 10-RELEASE...gone?
sthaug at
- BIND chroot environment in 10-RELEASE...gone?
sthaug at
- Assertion failed & Abort trap from pkg subsystem
sthaug at
- Assertion failed & Abort trap from pkg subsystem
sthaug at
- PKG wants to remove a lot of installed packages only to install MOZJPEG package
Last message date:
Wed Dec 31 09:53:25 UTC 2014
Archived on: Wed Dec 31 09:53:28 UTC 2014
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).