OpenOffice 4 on 10-STABLE

George Mitchell george+freebsd at
Thu Aug 28 11:15:48 UTC 2014

Is anyone able to get an editors/openoffice-5 compile to complete?  Of
late, something name unopkg.bin keeps getting a seg fault during the
build process (but doesn't leave a core file).  If I run it with no
arguments under the base system gdb (after setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH to
it crashes in getCascadeMapping in main/cppu/source/uno/cascade_mapping.cxx
but according to gdb from ports, it crashes in

10.0-STABLE FreeBSD 10.0-STABLE #0 r270324M (the M is because I use
SCHED_4BSD instead of SCHED_ULE).                         -- George

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