vmdaemon CPU usage and poor performance in 10.0-RELEASE

Polyack, Steve Steve.Polyack at intermedix.com
Wed Aug 13 15:56:58 UTC 2014

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kurt Jaeger [mailto:lists at opsec.eu]
> Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2014 11:25 AM
> Hi!
> > We have a handful of database servers running FreeBSD 10.0-RELEASE
> > and PostgreSQL 9.3.4.  The servers have 128GB or 256GB of RAM.
> Are you aware of the recent work on that topic ?
> https://www.freebsd.org/news/status/report-2014-04-2014-
> 06.html#PostgreSQL-Performance-Improvements
> Maybe kib@ knows more about this ?

I've recently read over this and some other posts, but they all seem to center around poor postgres performance.  In our case at least, some light to medium usage of postgres generally makes the entire system unusable.

The patches & documents linked there also all seem to be for -CURRENT, which we aren't running.  We're not too keen on the idea of using CURRENT in production, either.  We're planning on testing 10-STABLE, but I was just hoping to gain some insight into what the problem may be and whether recent commits to vmdaemon code in the -STABLE tree may have a positive effect on what we've seen.


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