sshd didn't run after upgrade to FreeBSD 8.4

Miroslav Lachman 000.fbsd at
Wed Jun 19 22:24:07 UTC 2013

The version of sshd in FreeBSD 8.4 is not backward compatible with older 
version from 8.3.

OpenSSH_5.4p1 (on FreeBSD 8.3)
OpenSSH_6.1p1 (on FreeBSD 8.4)

# sshd -t
/etc/ssh/sshd_config line 19: Missing argument.

On line 19, there is:

It was OK in older versions. It will remove any default text appended to 
SSH protocol banner (for example 'FreeBSD-20120901').

On FreeBSD 8.4, there must be some string (any single character)

I was really badly surprised that the machine was re-booted without ssh 

I think this change is worth to mention in Release Notes

Miroslav Lachman

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