fxp0 interface going up/down/up/down (dhclient related?)

Jeremy Chadwick jdc at koitsu.org
Sun Jun 9 12:56:56 UTC 2013

On Sun, Jun 09, 2013 at 01:21:53PM +0200, ?ukasz Gruner wrote:
> On Sun, Jun 9, 2013, at 12:44, Jeremy Chadwick wrote:
> > On Sun, Jun 09, 2013 at 12:21:37PM +0200, Alban Hertroys wrote:
> > > I'm having an issue where my fxp0 interface keeps looping between DOWN/UP, with dhclient requesting a lease each time in between. I think it's caused by dhclient:
> > And so what I predicted begins...
> I have been suffering this issue since forever (which for me began at
> freebsd 9.0). Currently I'm at stable9.

The problem we're talking about was a direct result of this PR:


The commit (MFC) was done to stable/8 and stable/9 in this revision and
at this date/time:

stable/9 commit: r247335 -- 2013/02/26
stable/8 commit: r247336 -- 2013/02/26

You can see the commit log/messages in the PR.

Now let's talk about versions:

FreeBSD 9.0-RELEASE came out 2012/01/12:


FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE came out 2012/12/30:


So when you say "the issue" for you "began at FreeBSD 9.0", you need to
be more specific (uname -a output would be a good start), because
otherwise to me it sounds like you're experiencing a *completely*
different problem.

> Much appreciated, shouldn't this be at wiki? 

What wiki?  How would people know to read it?  Using a web search engine
like Google?  That would return this mailing list thread, as well as
the ones I've referenced.

There is enough old/outdated/completely and absolutely WRONG crap on the
FreeBSD Wiki as is.  The Wiki is not the "official source/list of
problems" (there is no official source/list -- the mailing lists are,
for a decade, have been as good as it gets).

| Jeremy Chadwick                                   jdc at koitsu.org |
| UNIX Systems Administrator                http://jdc.koitsu.org/ |
| Making life hard for others since 1977.             PGP 4BD6C0CB |

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