From 10 Beta4 to 10 RC1 lost gpt labels added by the installer

Teske, Devin Devin.Teske at
Fri Dec 13 14:37:10 UTC 2013

On Dec 13, 2013, at 12:55 AM, Johan Hendriks wrote:

> Hello all.
> I installed FreeBSD 10 Beta4 the day before the RC1 release and used the ZFS install option, all went well.
> I then downloaded the new source for 10 RC1 and did a buildworld.
> It rebooted, the machine booted fine only did it show an error regarding the swap space.
> I could not mount /dev/gpt/swap0 and /dev/gpt/swap1
> In /etc/fstab i had the following lines
> # Device        Mountpoint      FStype  Options Dump    Pass#
> /dev/gpt/swap0      none            swap    sw      0       0
> /dev/gpt/swap1      none            swap    sw      0       0
> this did not work anymore, and i needed to add the glabels instead.
> /dev/diskid/DISK...... and so on.
> /dev/gpt was not there anymore.
> One more thing, i do not like the glabel option, is it possible to create an option to use gpt labels instead of glabel when creating the pool.

GPT labels *are* already used (glabel is not used).

> I think glabel is just another layer which can cause trouble.

There's been a similar problem with graid, are you sure that's
not what's going on here? That the OS has picked up on some
BIOS-created thing?

> Another thing when installed Beta4 is the fact that a zpool status shows the gptid's
> This is not a pretty sight, and i think that the installer needs to put the kern.geom.label.gptid.enable=0 in /boot/loader.conf when using the zfs option.

Does this need to be diddled in the running kernel before creating
the zpool/datasets? or is it simply enough to drop it into loader.conf
for the reboot?

I'll run some tests.

> The install went very smooth, and i really like it.
> Thanks all for the great work.

Excellent. I'm working on the code right now. Thank you for feedback.

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