Swap on ZFS - bad idea? (swap_pager: indefinite wait buffer)

Oscar Prieto oscarmpp at gmail.com
Tue Dec 10 17:36:47 UTC 2013

Personally I still have to read an announcement telling that swap on zfs is
relliable. I'm still using a dedicated swap partition on every install due
to that kind of behaviour.

On Tue, Dec 10, 2013 at 11:41 AM, Benjamin Lutz <benjamin.lutz at biolab.ch>wrote:

> We have storage server that I've found unresponsive this morning. The
> console was filled with these messages:
> swap_pager: indefinite wait buffer: bufobj: 0, blkno: 17344, size: 61440
> The lines were all exactly the same, no variation in the numbers.
> Ctrl-Alt-Delete had no effect.
> Now, the only thing related to swap that's special about this machine, is
> that we use swap on ZFS, because we figured, silent disk corruption is
> just as bad when it happens to swapped memory as it is when it happens to
> stored data. However, might this be the problem? One thought I was having
> was: ZFS hits its memory bounds, a process makes the kernel want to
> allocate a swap buffer which causes more ZFS operations which never
> complete because ZFS would need to do some housework to free memory, but
> the kernel is waiting for swap to become available, some sort of deadlock?
> I'm just speculating here, not knowing the internals of this subsystem.
> The machine is a quad core system with 12GiB RAM and a RAIDZ3 consisting
> of 12x2TB disks. It's used as a storage system, with accesses mainly
> through netatalk (an AFP server, what OS X uses) and a bit of iSCSI. I've
> set the following sysctls:
> #
> http://www.solarisinternals.com/wiki/index.php/ZFS_Evil_Tuning_Guide#Device_I.2FO_Queue_Size_.28I.2FO_Concurrency.29
> vfs.zfs.vdev.max_pending=20
> # limit kernel size to 10GB to leave some RAM for processes
> vm.kmem_size_max="10737418240"
> # increase number of mbuf clusters, see igb(4). The default is 25600
> kern.ipc.nmbclusters="102400"
> This sort of hang seems to happen every couple of months. I'd really like
> some pointers on how to increase the stability of this system. Maybe there
> are some more tunables I need to adjust? Or is swap on ZFS maybe just not
> a great idea?
> Cheers,
> Benjamin
> --
> Benjamin Lutz | Software Engineer | BIOLAB Technology AG
> Dufourstr. 80 | CH-8008 Zurich | www.biolab.ch | benjamin.lutz at biolab.ch
> PHONE +41 44 295 97 13 | MOBILE +41 79 558 57 13 | FAX +41 44 295 97 19
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