10.0-BETA4 bsdinstall zfs encryption broken

Pavel Timofeev timp87 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 4 15:54:47 UTC 2013

Great! But I don't know how to build new iso from source and check
this patch =(.
Here is log (just in case):

DEBUG: Successfully initialized debugFile `/tmp/bsdinstall_log'
DEBUG: Running installation step: zfsboot
DEBUG: common.subr: Successfully loaded.
DEBUG: /usr/libexec/bsdinstall/zfsboot: loading includes...
DEBUG: f_include: file=[/usr/share/bsdconfig/device.subr]
DEBUG: device.subr: loading includes...
DEBUG: f_include: file=[/usr/share/bsdconfig/dialog.subr]
DEBUG: dialog.subr: loading includes...
DEBUG: f_include: file=[/usr/share/bsdconfig/strings.subr]
DEBUG: strings.subr: Successfully loaded.
DEBUG: f_include: file=[/usr/share/bsdconfig/variable.subr]
DEBUG: variable.subr: loading includes...
DEBUG: f_include: file=[/usr/share/bsdconfig/dialog.subr]
DEBUG: f_include: file=[/usr/share/bsdconfig/strings.subr]
DEBUG: variable.subr: New variable VAR_CONFIG_FILE -> configFile
DEBUG: variable.subr: New variable VAR_DEBUG -> debug
DEBUG: variable.subr: New variable VAR_DEBUG_FILE -> debugFile
DEBUG: variable.subr: New variable VAR_DIRECTORY_PATH -> _directoryPath
DEBUG: variable.subr: New variable VAR_DOMAINNAME -> domainname
DEBUG: variable.subr: New variable VAR_EDITOR -> editor
DEBUG: variable.subr: New variable VAR_EXTRAS -> ifconfig_
DEBUG: variable.subr: New variable VAR_FTP_DIR -> ftpDirectory
DEBUG: variable.subr: New variable VAR_FTP_HOST -> ftpHost
DEBUG: variable.subr: New variable VAR_FTP_PASS -> ftpPass
DEBUG: variable.subr: New variable VAR_FTP_PATH -> _ftpPath
DEBUG: variable.subr: New variable VAR_FTP_PORT -> ftpPort
DEBUG: variable.subr: New variable VAR_FTP_STATE -> ftpState
DEBUG: variable.subr: New variable VAR_FTP_USER -> ftpUser
DEBUG: variable.subr: New variable VAR_GATEWAY -> defaultrouter
DEBUG: variable.subr: New variable VAR_HOSTNAME -> hostname
DEBUG: variable.subr: New variable VAR_HTTP_DIR -> httpDirectory
DEBUG: variable.subr: New variable VAR_HTTP_FTP_MODE -> httpFtpMode
DEBUG: variable.subr: New variable VAR_HTTP_HOST -> httpHost
DEBUG: variable.subr: New variable VAR_HTTP_PATH -> _httpPath
DEBUG: variable.subr: New variable VAR_HTTP_PORT -> httpPort
DEBUG: variable.subr: New variable VAR_HTTP_PROXY -> httpProxy
DEBUG: variable.subr: New variable VAR_HTTP_PROXY_HOST -> httpProxyHost
DEBUG: variable.subr: New variable VAR_HTTP_PROXY_PATH -> _httpProxyPath
DEBUG: variable.subr: New variable VAR_HTTP_PROXY_PORT -> httpProxyPort
DEBUG: variable.subr: New variable VAR_IFCONFIG -> ifconfig_
DEBUG: variable.subr: New variable VAR_IPADDR -> ipaddr
DEBUG: variable.subr: New variable VAR_IPV6ADDR -> ipv6addr
DEBUG: variable.subr: New variable VAR_IPV6_ENABLE ->
DEBUG: variable.subr: New variable VAR_KEYMAP -> keymap
DEBUG: variable.subr: New variable VAR_MEDIA_TIMEOUT -> MEDIA_TIMEOUT
DEBUG: variable.subr: New variable VAR_MEDIA_TYPE -> mediaType
DEBUG: variable.subr: New variable VAR_NAMESERVER -> nameserver
DEBUG: variable.subr: New variable VAR_NETINTERACTIVE -> netInteractive
DEBUG: variable.subr: New variable VAR_NETMASK -> netmask
DEBUG: variable.subr: New variable VAR_NETWORK_DEVICE -> netDev
DEBUG: variable.subr: New variable VAR_NFS_HOST -> nfsHost
DEBUG: variable.subr: New variable VAR_NFS_PATH -> nfsPath
DEBUG: variable.subr: New variable VAR_NFS_SECURE -> nfs_reserved_port_only
DEBUG: variable.subr: New variable VAR_NFS_TCP -> nfs_use_tcp
DEBUG: variable.subr: New variable VAR_NFS_V3 -> nfs_use_v3
DEBUG: variable.subr: New variable VAR_NONINTERACTIVE -> nonInteractive
DEBUG: variable.subr: New variable VAR_NO_CONFIRM -> noConfirm
DEBUG: variable.subr: New variable VAR_NO_ERROR -> noError
DEBUG: variable.subr: New variable VAR_NO_INET6 -> noInet6
DEBUG: variable.subr: New variable VAR_PACKAGE -> package
DEBUG: variable.subr: New variable VAR_PKG_TMPDIR -> PKG_TMPDIR
DEBUG: variable.subr: New variable VAR_PORTS_PATH -> ports
DEBUG: variable.subr: New variable VAR_RELNAME -> releaseName
DEBUG: variable.subr: New variable VAR_SLOW_ETHER -> slowEthernetCard
DEBUG: variable.subr: New variable VAR_TRY_DHCP -> tryDHCP
DEBUG: variable.subr: New variable VAR_TRY_RTSOL -> tryRTSOL
DEBUG: variable.subr: New variable VAR_UFS_PATH -> ufs
DEBUG: variable.subr: New variable VAR_ZFSINTERACTIVE -> zfsInteractive
DEBUG: f_variable_set_defaults: Initializing defaults...
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[debug] value=[1] r=0
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[editor] value=[/usr/bin/ee] r=0
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[ftpState] value=[auto] r=0
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[ftpUser] value=[ftp] r=0
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[hostname] value=[LizardBSD] r=0
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[MEDIA_TIMEOUT] value=[300] r=0
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[nfs_reserved_port_only] value=[NO] r=0
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[nfs_use_tcp] value=[NO] r=0
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[nfs_use_v3] value=[YES] r=0
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[PKG_TMPDIR] value=[/var/tmp] r=0
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[releaseName] value=[10.0-BETA4] r=0
DEBUG: f_variable_set_defaults: Defaults initialized.
DEBUG: variable.subr: Successfully loaded.
DEBUG: f_include_lang:
file=[/usr/libexec/bsdconfig/include/messages.subr] lang=[]
DEBUG: f_dialog_init: ARGV=[] GETOPTS_STDARGS=[dD:SX]
DEBUG: f_dialog_init: SECURE=[] USE_XDIALOG=[]
DEBUG: f_dialog_init: dialog(1) API initialized.
DEBUG: dialog.subr: Successfully loaded.
DEBUG: f_include: file=[/usr/share/bsdconfig/strings.subr]
DEBUG: f_include: file=[/usr/share/bsdconfig/struct.subr]
DEBUG: struct.subr: Successfully loaded.
DEBUG: f_include_lang:
file=[/usr/libexec/bsdconfig/include/messages.subr] lang=[]
DEBUG: device.subr: Initialized 109 known device names/descriptions.
DEBUG: device.subr: DEVICE_SELF_SCAN_ALL=[1]
DEBUG: f_device_get_all: Probing devices...
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[height] value=[3] r=0
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[width] value=[59] r=0
DEBUG: Found a network device named vtnet0
DEBUG: f_struct_new: type=[DEVICE] name=[device_vtnet0]
DEBUG: f_device_try: making sure /dev/cd0 is a device node
DEBUG: f_device_try: /dev/cd0 is a cdev [good]
DEBUG: f_struct_new: type=[DEVICE] name=[device_cd0]
DEBUG: Found a CDROM device for /dev/cd0
DEBUG: f_device_try: making sure /dev/cd1 is a device node
DEBUG: f_device_try: /dev/cd1 is not a cdev [skip]
DEBUG: f_device_try: making sure /dev/cd2 is a device node
DEBUG: f_device_try: /dev/cd2 is not a cdev [skip]
DEBUG: f_device_try: making sure /dev/cd3 is a device node
DEBUG: f_device_try: /dev/cd3 is not a cdev [skip]
DEBUG: f_device_try: making sure /dev/mcd0 is a device node
DEBUG: f_device_try: /dev/mcd0 is not a cdev [skip]
DEBUG: f_device_try: making sure /dev/mcd1 is a device node
DEBUG: f_device_try: /dev/mcd1 is not a cdev [skip]
DEBUG: f_device_try: making sure /dev/mcd2 is a device node
DEBUG: f_device_try: /dev/mcd2 is not a cdev [skip]
DEBUG: f_device_try: making sure /dev/mcd3 is a device node
DEBUG: f_device_try: /dev/mcd3 is not a cdev [skip]
DEBUG: f_device_try: making sure /dev/scd0 is a device node
DEBUG: f_device_try: /dev/scd0 is not a cdev [skip]
DEBUG: f_device_try: making sure /dev/scd1 is a device node
DEBUG: f_device_try: /dev/scd1 is not a cdev [skip]
DEBUG: f_device_try: making sure /dev/scd2 is a device node
DEBUG: f_device_try: /dev/scd2 is not a cdev [skip]
DEBUG: f_device_try: making sure /dev/scd3 is a device node
DEBUG: f_device_try: /dev/scd3 is not a cdev [skip]
DEBUG: f_device_try: making sure /dev/fd0 is a device node
DEBUG: f_device_try: /dev/fd0 is not a cdev [skip]
DEBUG: f_device_try: making sure /dev/fd1 is a device node
DEBUG: f_device_try: /dev/fd1 is not a cdev [skip]
DEBUG: f_device_try: making sure /dev/fd2 is a device node
DEBUG: f_device_try: /dev/fd2 is not a cdev [skip]
DEBUG: f_device_try: making sure /dev/fd3 is a device node
DEBUG: f_device_try: /dev/fd3 is not a cdev [skip]
DEBUG: f_device_try: making sure /dev/da0a is a device node
DEBUG: f_device_try: /dev/da0a is not a cdev [skip]
DEBUG: f_device_try: making sure /dev/da1a is a device node
DEBUG: f_device_try: /dev/da1a is not a cdev [skip]
DEBUG: f_device_try: making sure /dev/da2a is a device node
DEBUG: f_device_try: /dev/da2a is not a cdev [skip]
DEBUG: f_device_try: making sure /dev/da3a is a device node
DEBUG: f_device_try: /dev/da3a is not a cdev [skip]
DEBUG: f_device_try: making sure /dev/da4a is a device node
DEBUG: f_device_try: /dev/da4a is not a cdev [skip]
DEBUG: f_device_try: making sure /dev/da5a is a device node
DEBUG: f_device_try: /dev/da5a is not a cdev [skip]
DEBUG: f_device_try: making sure /dev/da6a is a device node
DEBUG: f_device_try: /dev/da6a is not a cdev [skip]
DEBUG: f_device_try: making sure /dev/da7a is a device node
DEBUG: f_device_try: /dev/da7a is not a cdev [skip]
DEBUG: f_device_try: making sure /dev/da8a is a device node
DEBUG: f_device_try: /dev/da8a is not a cdev [skip]
DEBUG: f_device_try: making sure /dev/da9a is a device node
DEBUG: f_device_try: /dev/da9a is not a cdev [skip]
DEBUG: f_device_try: making sure /dev/da10a is a device node
DEBUG: f_device_try: /dev/da10a is not a cdev [skip]
DEBUG: f_device_try: making sure /dev/da11a is a device node
DEBUG: f_device_try: /dev/da11a is not a cdev [skip]
DEBUG: f_device_try: making sure /dev/da12a is a device node
DEBUG: f_device_try: /dev/da12a is not a cdev [skip]
DEBUG: f_device_try: making sure /dev/da13a is a device node
DEBUG: f_device_try: /dev/da13a is not a cdev [skip]
DEBUG: f_device_try: making sure /dev/da14a is a device node
DEBUG: f_device_try: /dev/da14a is not a cdev [skip]
DEBUG: f_device_try: making sure /dev/da15a is a device node
DEBUG: f_device_try: /dev/da15a is not a cdev [skip]
DEBUG: f_device_try: making sure /dev/iso9660/FREEBSD_INSTALL is a device node
DEBUG: f_device_try: /dev/iso9660/FREEBSD_INSTALL is a cdev [good]
DEBUG: f_struct_new: type=[DEVICE] name=[device_FREEBSD_INSTALL]
DEBUG: Found a CDROM device for /dev/iso9660/FREEBSD_INSTALL
DEBUG: f_device_try: making sure /dev/md0 is a device node
DEBUG: f_device_try: /dev/md0 is a cdev [good]
DEBUG: f_device_try: making sure /dev/md1 is a device node
DEBUG: f_device_try: /dev/md1 is a cdev [good]
DEBUG: f_device_try: making sure /dev/md[0-9][0-9] is a device node
DEBUG: f_device_try: /dev/md[0-9][0-9] is not a cdev [skip]
DEBUG: f_struct_new: type=[DEVICE] name=[device_ada1]
DEBUG: Found a disk device named ada1
DEBUG: f_struct_new: type=[DEVICE] name=[device_ada0]
DEBUG: Found a disk device named ada0
DEBUG: device.subr: Successfully loaded.
DEBUG: f_include: file=[/usr/share/bsdconfig/dialog.subr]
DEBUG: f_include: file=[/usr/share/bsdconfig/password/password.subr]
DEBUG: password/password.subr: loading includes...
DEBUG: f_include: file=[/usr/share/bsdconfig/dialog.subr]
DEBUG: f_include_lang:
DEBUG: password/password.subr: Successfully loaded.
DEBUG: f_include: file=[/usr/share/bsdconfig/variable.subr]
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[nonInteractive] value=[] r=1
DEBUG: BSDINSTALL_TMPETC=[/tmp/bsdinstall_etc]
DEBUG: PRINTF_FSTAB=[printf "$FSTAB_FMT" "%s" "%s" "%s" "%s" "%s" "%s" >> "%s"]
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[nonInteractive] value=[] r=1
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[height] value=[16] r=0
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[width] value=[54] r=0
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[rows] value=[9] r=0
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[menu_choice] value=[T Pool Type/Disks:] r=0
DEBUG: retval=0 mtag=[T Pool Type/Disks:]
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[vheight] value=[12] r=0
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[vwidth] value=[47] r=0
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[vrows] value=[5] r=0
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[_struct_value_device_vtnet0_name] value=[vtnet0] r=0
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[_struct_value_device_vtnet0_type] value=[5] r=0
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[_struct_value_device_cd0_name] value=[cd0] r=0
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[_struct_value_device_cd0_type] value=[6] r=0
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[_struct_value_device_FREEBSD_INSTALL_name]
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[_struct_value_device_FREEBSD_INSTALL_type] value=[6] r=0
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[_struct_value_device_ada1_name] value=[ada1] r=0
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[_struct_value_device_ada1_type] value=[2] r=0
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[_struct_value_device_ada0_name] value=[ada0] r=0
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[_struct_value_device_ada0_type] value=[2] r=0
DEBUG: dialog_menu_layout: disks=[ada1 ada0]
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[nonInteractive] value=[] r=1
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[vdev_choice] value=[mirror] r=0
DEBUG: dialog_menu_layout: ZFSBOOT_VDEV_TYPE=[mirror]
DEBUG: No disks selected.
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[nonInteractive] value=[] r=1
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[nonInteractive] value=[] r=1
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[nonInteractive] value=[] r=1
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[_struct_value_device_ada0_desc] value=[VBOX
HARDDISK 1.0] r=0
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[_ada0_status:-off] value=[off] r=0
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[_struct_value_device_ada1_desc] value=[VBOX
HARDDISK 1.0] r=0
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[_ada1_status:-off] value=[off] r=0
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[height] value=[8] r=0
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[width] value=[34] r=0
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[rows] value=[2] r=0
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[selections] value=[ada0 ada1] r=0
DEBUG: dialog_menu_layout: ZFSBOOT_DISKS=[ada0 ada1]
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[nonInteractive] value=[] r=1
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[height] value=[16] r=0
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[width] value=[54] r=0
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[rows] value=[9] r=0
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[menu_choice] value=[E Encrypt Disks?] r=0
DEBUG: retval=0 mtag=[E Encrypt Disks?]
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[nonInteractive] value=[] r=1
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[height] value=[16] r=0
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[width] value=[54] r=0
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[rows] value=[9] r=0
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[menu_choice] value=[>>> Install] r=0
DEBUG: retval=0 mtag=[>>> Install]
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[vheight] value=[12] r=0
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[vwidth] value=[47] r=0
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[vrows] value=[5] r=0
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[_struct_value_device_vtnet0_name] value=[vtnet0] r=0
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[_struct_value_device_vtnet0_type] value=[5] r=0
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[_struct_value_device_cd0_name] value=[cd0] r=0
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[_struct_value_device_cd0_type] value=[6] r=0
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[_struct_value_device_FREEBSD_INSTALL_name]
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[_struct_value_device_FREEBSD_INSTALL_type] value=[6] r=0
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[_struct_value_device_ada1_name] value=[ada1] r=0
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[_struct_value_device_ada1_type] value=[2] r=0
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[_struct_value_device_ada0_name] value=[ada0] r=0
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[_struct_value_device_ada0_type] value=[2] r=0
DEBUG: dialog_menu_layout: disks=[ada1 ada0]
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[nonInteractive] value=[] r=1
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[nonInteractive] value=[] r=1
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[_struct_value_device_ada0_capacity]
value=[10737418240] r=0
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[_struct_value_device_ada1_capacity]
value=[10737418240] r=0
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[nonInteractive] value=[] r=1
DEBUG: /usr/libexec/bsdinstall/zfsboot: Last Chance!
DEBUG: zfs_create_boot: poolname=[zroot] vdev_type=[mirror]
DEBUG: zfs_create_boot: Initializing temporary fstab(5) file...
DEBUG: zfs_create_boot: :> "$BSDINSTALL_TMPETC/fstab"
DEBUG: zfs_create_boot: retval=0 <no output>
DEBUG: zfs_create_boot: printf "$FSTAB_FMT" "# Device" "Mountpoint"
"FStype" "Options" "Dump" "Pass#" >> "$BSDINSTALL_TMPETC/fstab"
DEBUG: zfs_create_boot: retval=0 <no output>
DEBUG: zfs_create_boot: Expanding supplied swapsize/gelisize values...
DEBUG: zfs_create_boot: ZFSBOOT_SWAP_SIZE=[2g] swapsize=[2147483648]
DEBUG: zfs_create_boot: ZFSBOOT_GELI_BOOT_SIZE=[2g] gelisize=[2147483648]
DEBUG: zfs_create_boot: Preparing disk partitions for ZFS pool...
DEBUG: zfs_create_diskpart: disk=[ada0] index=[0]
DEBUG: zfs_create_diskpart: Destroying all data/layouts on `ada0'...
DEBUG: zfs_create_diskpart: Getting disk capactiy for `ada0'
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[_struct_value_device_ada0_capacity]
value=[10737418240] r=0
DEBUG: zfs_create_diskpart: disksize=[10737418240] partsize=[8589934592]
DEBUG: zfs_create_diskpart: Creating GPT layout...
DEBUG: zfs_create_diskpart: gpart create -s gpt "$disk"
DEBUG: zfs_create_diskpart: retval=0 <output below>
ada0 created
DEBUG: zfs_create_diskpart: gpart add -l gptboot$index -t freebsd-boot
-s 512k "$disk"
DEBUG: zfs_create_diskpart: retval=0 <output below>
ada0p1 added
DEBUG: zfs_create_diskpart: gpart bootcode -b "/boot/pmbr" -p
"/boot/gptzfsboot" -i 1 "$disk"
DEBUG: zfs_create_diskpart: retval=0 <output below>
bootcode written to ada0
DEBUG: zfs_create_diskpart: gelisize=[gelisize=[2147483648]]
DEBUG: zfs_create_diskpart: gpart add -l boot$index -t freebsd-zfs -s
${gelisize}b "$disk"
DEBUG: zfs_create_diskpart: retval=0 <output below>
ada0p2 added
DEBUG: zfs_create_diskpart: partsize=[partsize=[6442450944]]
DEBUG: zfs_create_diskpart: gpart add -l zfs$index -t freebsd-zfs -s
${partsize}b "$disk"
DEBUG: zfs_create_diskpart: retval=0 <output below>
ada0p3 added
DEBUG: zfs_create_diskpart: gpart add -l swap$index -t freebsd-swap "$disk"
DEBUG: zfs_create_diskpart: retval=0 <output below>
ada0p4 added
DEBUG: zfs_create_diskpart: printf "$FSTAB_FMT" "/dev/gpt/swap$index"
"none" "swap" "sw" "0" "0" >> "$BSDINSTALL_TMPETC/fstab"
DEBUG: zfs_create_diskpart: retval=0 <no output>
DEBUG: zfs_create_diskpart: disk=[ada1] index=[1]
DEBUG: zfs_create_diskpart: Destroying all data/layouts on `ada1'...
DEBUG: zfs_create_diskpart: Getting disk capactiy for `ada1'
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[_struct_value_device_ada1_capacity]
value=[10737418240] r=0
DEBUG: zfs_create_diskpart: disksize=[10737418240] partsize=[8589934592]
DEBUG: zfs_create_diskpart: Creating GPT layout...
DEBUG: zfs_create_diskpart: gpart create -s gpt "$disk"
DEBUG: zfs_create_diskpart: retval=0 <output below>
ada1 created
DEBUG: zfs_create_diskpart: gpart add -l gptboot$index -t freebsd-boot
-s 512k "$disk"
DEBUG: zfs_create_diskpart: retval=0 <output below>
ada1p1 added
DEBUG: zfs_create_diskpart: gpart bootcode -b "/boot/pmbr" -p
"/boot/gptzfsboot" -i 1 "$disk"
DEBUG: zfs_create_diskpart: retval=0 <output below>
bootcode written to ada1
DEBUG: zfs_create_diskpart: gelisize=[gelisize=[2147483648]]
DEBUG: zfs_create_diskpart: gpart add -l boot$index -t freebsd-zfs -s
${gelisize}b "$disk"
DEBUG: zfs_create_diskpart: retval=0 <output below>
ada1p2 added
DEBUG: zfs_create_diskpart: partsize=[partsize=[6442450944]]
DEBUG: zfs_create_diskpart: gpart add -l zfs$index -t freebsd-zfs -s
${partsize}b "$disk"
DEBUG: zfs_create_diskpart: retval=0 <output below>
ada1p3 added
DEBUG: zfs_create_diskpart: gpart add -l swap$index -t freebsd-swap "$disk"
DEBUG: zfs_create_diskpart: retval=0 <output below>
ada1p4 added
DEBUG: zfs_create_diskpart: printf "$FSTAB_FMT" "/dev/gpt/swap$index"
"none" "swap" "sw" "0" "0" >> "$BSDINSTALL_TMPETC/fstab"
DEBUG: zfs_create_diskpart: retval=0 <no output>
DEBUG: zfs_create_boot: Applying 4k alignment with gnop(8)...
DEBUG: zfs_create_boot: *=[ada0 ada1]
DEBUG: zfs_create_boot: disk=[ada0] part=[p2]
DEBUG: zfs_create_boot: gnop create -S 4096 "$disk$part"
DEBUG: zfs_create_boot: retval=0 <no output>
DEBUG: zfs_create_boot: disk=[ada1] part=[p2]
DEBUG: zfs_create_boot: gnop create -S 4096 "$disk$part"
DEBUG: zfs_create_boot: retval=0 <no output>
DEBUG: zfs_create_boot: Setting up disk encryption...
DEBUG: zfs_create_boot: mount -t tmpfs "none" "$BSDINSTALL_CHROOT"
DEBUG: zfs_create_boot: retval=0 <no output>
DEBUG: zfs_create_boot: ZFSBOOT_GELI_POOL_NAME=[bootpool]
bootvdev=[mirror] unenc_list=[ ada0p2.nop ada1p2.nop]
DEBUG: zfs_create_boot: zpool create -o altroot="$BSDINSTALL_CHROOT"
             -m "/$ZFSBOOT_GELI_POOL_NAME" -f
"$ZFSBOOT_GELI_POOL_NAME" $bootvdev $unenc_list
DEBUG: zfs_create_boot: retval=127 <output below>
missing pool name argument
create [-fnd] [-o property=value] ...
   [-O file-system-property=value] ...
   [-m mountpoint] [-R root] <pool> <vdev> ...
eval: -m: not found
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[height] value=[10] r=0
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[width] value=[52] r=0
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[nonInteractive] value=[] r=1
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[height] value=[16] r=0
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[width] value=[54] r=0
DEBUG: f_getvar: var=[rows] value=[9] r=0

2013/12/4 Teske, Devin <Devin.Teske at fisglobal.com>:
> On Dec 4, 2013, at 7:40 AM, Pavel Timofeev wrote:
>> It's standard name. I didn't change anything, except encryption button.
> Thanks.
> Looks like the problem is whitespace in the code.
> --
> Devin
>> 04.12.2013 19:36 пользователь "Teske, Devin" <Devin.Teske at fisglobal.com>
>> написал:
>> On Dec 4, 2013, at 3:39 AM, Pavel Timofeev wrote:
>> > Hi all!
>> > Lastest 10.0-BETA4 can't be installed using bsdinstall on ZFS with
>> > encryption.
>> > Bsdinstall's broken. It gives an error:
>> >
>> > missing pool name argument
>> > usage:
>> >    create [<here is help output>]
>> > eval: -m: not found.
>> What did you use for a pool name? (did it have a space? try without)
>> Are you capable of plucking the /tmp/bsdinstall_log file from the
>> installation environment in order to send us a copy?
>> --
>> Devin
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