Building FreeBSD-STABLE

Dimitry Andric dimitry at
Sat Sep 29 14:55:33 UTC 2012

On 2012-09-29 16:16, Norbert Aschendorff wrote:
> src.conf does not exist here, and make.conf contains this:
> # added by use.perl 2012-08-23 17:45:18
> CFLAGS=-pipe
> #CC=clang
> #CC=gcc
> CXXFLAGS=-pipe
> #CXX=clang++
> #CXX=g++

There is your problem.  Never assign to CFLAGS or CXXFLAGS using the =
operator, always add to them, using the += operator instead.

Also, you don't need to duplicate flags in CXXFLAGS, which are already
in CFLAGS.  You should only add C++ specific flags to CXXFLAGS.

Last but not least, -pipe is completely unnecessary, it is already the

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