Problem reading vitals from Gigabyte H77-DH3H

Andriy Gapon avg at
Sat Oct 20 19:42:41 UTC 2012

on 20/10/2012 22:20 Derek Kulinski said the following:
> Hello Andriy,
> Saturday, October 20, 2012, 11:34:48 AM, you wrote:
>> If this information is to be trusted (i.e. 8728 is sufficiently compatible with
>> 8726), then please try to set port number in the hints to 0xa30 (e.g. where you
>> have 0x290 now).
> It appears to work fine:
> hw.sensors.it0.fan0: 997 RPM
> hw.sensors.it0.fan1: invalid
> hw.sensors.it0.fan2: 1305 RPM
> hw.sensors.it0.volt0: 1,42 VDC (VCORE_A)
> hw.sensors.it0.volt1: 2,72 VDC (VCORE_B)
> hw.sensors.it0.volt2: 2,70 VDC (+3.3V)
> hw.sensors.it0.volt3: 4,60 VDC (+5V)
> hw.sensors.it0.volt4: 0,06 VDC (+12V)
> hw.sensors.it0.volt5: -5,23 VDC (Unused)
> hw.sensors.it0.volt6: -6,53 VDC (-12V)
> hw.sensors.it0.volt7: 3,74 VDC (+5VSB)
> hw.sensors.it0.volt8: 2,14 VDC (VBAT)
> hw.sensors.it0.temp0: 30,00 degC
> hw.sensors.it0.temp1: 25,00 degC
> hw.sensors.it0.temp2: 25,00 degC

I a dreaming about a special Super I/O driver which would provide services for
devices on the chip.  Super I/O bases addresses are far more stable (hardwired
to a few choices) than base addresses of their devices (freely programmable).

> I have three questions though:
> 1. The motherboard has 4 fan sockets (as far as I can tell), CPU_FAN,
>    and SYS_FAN[1-3]. SYS_FAN1 currently is not connected.
>    Seems like:
>      fan0 -> CPU_FAN (did not try to disconnect it to check :)
>      fan1 -> SYS_FAN1
>      fan2 -> SYS_FAN2
>    There is no entry for SYS_FAN3. I disconnected it temporarily but
>    it did not seem to affect the output. Is it possible to get that
>    information from the motherboard?

The driver would have to be updated for that.
Unfortunately ITE does not provide public datasheets.
We could pick up some new bits from the Linux driver though.

> 2. Is there a way for me to figure out which temperature is which? Or
>    at least which one would correspond to H77's temperature? Is it
>    possible that the temperature is not listed? Right now as I check
>    it the component is hot enough to make it hard for me to touch the
>    heat sink. I would think it would be higher than 30C.

Again, this would require more knowledge about the chip.
Plus some additional knowledge about the motherboard.
BTW, you could try to use some Linux live CD and see what gets reported there.
Maybe they've already figured out the correct mapping.

> 3. When will the it module be included with the FreeBSD?

Soon, I hope.  I am working towards that, just need some time.

> Anyway thank you so much for your help so far. At least have
> meaningful values now that appear to be real (i.e. they change). Can't
> verify whether the voltages are correct due to my limited knowledge.

Voltages are the most tricky ones as for many of them there are resistor
dividers.  There are some recommendations on what resistors to use, but only a
motherboard vendor knows for sure what's there (or maybe some guesses could be
made by studying the motherboard with a magnifying glass).

Thank you very much for bearing with me and doing all the hard work!

BTW, in the driver code there is a place with the following comment:
/* XXX perhaps >= ? */
Could you please try to use >= instead of == there?

Andriy Gapon

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