Something wrong with curs_threads(3X) ?

Yanhui Shen shen.elf at
Mon May 21 16:41:57 UTC 2012


In curs_threads(3X), at the beginning of the manual:

typedef   int  (*NCURSES_WINDOW_CB)(WINDOW  *,  void  *);  typedef  int
>        (*NCURSES_SCREEN_CB)(SCREEN *, void *);
>        int set_escdelay(int size);
>        int set_tabsize(int size);
>        int use_screen(SCREEN *scr, NCURSES_WINDOW_CB func, void *data);
>        int use_window(WINDOW *win, NCURSES_SCREEN_CB func, void *data);

use_screen => NCURSES_WINDOW_CB
use_window = > NCURSES_SCREEN_CB
Target is not matched, I'm really confused.
So I open /usr/include/curses.h, and find these:

extern NCURSES_EXPORT(int) use_screen (SCREEN *, NCURSES_SCREEN_CB, void *);
> extern NCURSES_EXPORT(int) use_window (WINDOW *, NCURSES_WINDOW_CB, void
> *);

Seems much proper. So is this a bug?

Best regards,
Yanhui Shen

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