flowtable usable or not

K. Macy kmacy at freebsd.org
Sat Mar 3 21:16:25 UTC 2012

On Sat, Mar 3, 2012 at 10:09 PM, Doug Barton <dougb at freebsd.org> wrote:
> On 03/03/2012 13:03, K. Macy wrote:
>> On Sat, Mar 3, 2012 at 9:54 PM, Doug Barton <dougb at freebsd.org> wrote:
>>> On 03/03/2012 08:53, K. Macy wrote:
>>>> a) We as a members of the community are collectively responsible for
>>>> the state of FreeBSD. Simply disabling features or removing
>>>> functionality that doesn't work or doesn't work optimally and / or
>>>> filing bug reports but not being able or willing to respond to
>>>> feedback requests is in essence a form of neglect. Although we all
>>>> have day to day obligations for which the use of FreeBSD is extremely
>>>> impractical if not impossible ... any progress, any improvements, any
>>>> advancements will only happen because *we* made it happen.
>>> Since we're reiterating key points, I'll do mine one more time. While I
>>> sympathize with what you wrote above, if you continue to believe that
>> *users*
>>> have a responsibility to help you debug new features you're going
>>> to be disappointed and frustrated.
>> Users don't, community members do.
> You're drawing a distinction that I don't.

I'm drawing a distinction that you don't make or can't make? Like I
said I expect a group of people whose existence as a distinct entity
you are unaware of to be helpful. The initial conflict stemmed from
confusion on my part that you belong to that group. However, as you've
repeatedly made clear you don't, so I was wrong to have been critical
of you. I apologize for the confusion.


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