[CFT] Need Testers for: sysutils/bsdconfig
Devin Teske
devin.teske at fisglobal.com
Wed Jun 27 01:19:07 UTC 2012
On Jun 23, 2012, at 12:11 PM, Devin Teske wrote:
> On Jun 22, 2012, at 5:27 AM, Clayton Milos wrote:
>> Also it said that my user add failed but it was actually added as uid 1005.
> I'm working on this one. I'm changing the routines to allow the UNIX pw(8) errors to filter through, rather than masking them with a static error on non-success.
I overhauled the usermgmt module to rely entirely on pw(8). It should work a lot better now. I addressed all concerns in the rewrite which should be published soon in the up-coming 0.7.3 PORTVERSION.
>> I added another user and it stated the uid 1005 when I was creating it but
>> showed 1006 in the summary screen. It also said that adding the user failed.
> "pw usernext" is executed to get the next uid/gid pair that is available. It's possible a user was added in the process. I've not witnessed this, but will try to replicate.
This race-condition was addressed and should no longer be possible (regardless of whether it was the root cause of the failure to add).
>> Perhaps I used to short a password as there was no password field entered in
>> /etc/master.passwd
>> twat:*:1005:1005::1340540161:1340626570:twat:/home/twat:/bin/sh
>> test1:*:1006:1006::1340454020:1340496000:test1:/home/test1:/bin/tcsh
> The password is only set (as a separate command) if the pw(8) useradd succeeded. I'm working on catching errors in edge-cases where we should proceed despite non-success.
This too has been enhanced.
>> When selecting user account expiry the calendar starts at 1 January 1970. I
>> understand that this is when Unix time started but it would be nice for it
>> to start from the current date.
> I filed PR docs/169354 against the passwd(5) manual. If nobody picks up the PR in a timely fashion, I'll pro-actively modify bsdconfig to follow what the man-page _should_ say versus what it _does_ say about "how to treat the value of zero" (the default).
PR docs/169354 was closed after being patched by bjk@ (thx again bjk!)
The upcoming release folds this change in to coincide with the updated manual.
Thanks again for testing!
P.S. Keep an eye out for the next revision of this port for more testing.
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