[CFT] radeon_suspend/resume patch

Lawrence Stewart lstewart at freebsd.org
Tue Jun 26 15:18:03 UTC 2012

On 06/26/12 02:03, Mitsuru IWASAKI wrote:
> Thanks for your thrilling report!
>> I rebooted into X with Fluxbox as my window manager. Ran "sudo acpiconf
>> -s3" from an xterm. Machine correctly went to sleep. I waiting 30s and
>> then pressed the power button. Machine came back, loaded X up correctly
>> and everything kept working. Amazing!
> OK, I'll commit the patches against head tomorrow.
> BTW, is it effective for the console which is set graphic mode by
> vidconrol(1) as well?

Do you mean if I set the vty console to a non-default mode e.g.
"vidcontrol MODE_XXX"? If so, then no.

It turns out that as Jung-uk suspected, your patch is not required for
susped/resume to work correctly when in Fluxbox. Booting kernel.old
(which is same revision kernel, minus your patch) and running the same
experiment works just as well.

With or without your patch, resume from S3 both on a vty console and
from KDE 4.8.3 don't work - the screen stays off after resume. The
machine still mostly responds to CTRL-ALT_DEL (sometimes it doesn't and
I have to hard reset it - kernel panic? No crashdump is created...), so
it seems it's just the graphics which are not resuming correctly.

Why would resume from S3 work flawlessly with or without your patch from
Fluxbox, but not from KDE or when switched out to a vty? Seems very odd
to me, especially that KDE doesn't work given that it is just another X
window manager like Fluxbox.


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