geli decrypt only one partition

Fabian Keil freebsd-listen at
Wed Jun 20 18:29:06 UTC 2012

joerg_surmann <joerg_surmann at> wrote:

> i have two partitions:   ada0p3.eli and ada1p3.eli
> on bootprocess i must type a passphrase for ada0p3 and  have ada0p3.eli.
> next i type the passphrase for ada1p3 and i become: wrong key
> when the bootprocess is finish and i login and type geli attach -k
> /path to keyfile /dev/ada1p3 and i type the passphrase then i have
> ada1p3.eli.
> why can i decrypt only one partition on bootprocess?

This is frequently the effect of an incorrectly specified
keyfile in loader.conf. Do you get a boot message like the
following for both keyfiles when booting in verbose mode?

Jun 20 19:49:34 r500 kernel: Preloaded ada0s1d:geli_keyfile0 "/boot/ad4s1d.key" at 0xffffffff813951d0.

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