Why Are You NOT Using FreeBSD ?

John Baldwin jhb at freebsd.org
Mon Jul 2 15:04:39 UTC 2012

On Friday, June 29, 2012 5:50:05 am Gergely CZUCZY wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm mostly using freebsd, but there are a few cases where it's
> impossible to do, and because of these, i'm not using fbsd there.
> These reasons are mostly are:
>  - Lack of a working infiniband/OFED stack, with all its utils,
>    mellanox connectX3 drivers, RDMA, iscsi-over-RDMA, nfs-over-RDMA,
>    and such things.

FYI, OFED is present in 9.0 and later including mellanox drivers.
RDMA should be present, but I've no idea about iscsi-over-RDMA or

John Baldwin

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