Timekeeping in stable/9

Chuck Swiger cswiger at mac.com
Thu Jan 19 20:39:31 UTC 2012

On Jan 19, 2012, at 12:18 PM, Joe Holden wrote:
>> Sounds like you were looking for commercial support, since unpaid volunteers don't have an obligation to promptly leap out and provide solutions within your ETA.
> Not really, just an acknowledgement would be fine.  It is what it is, everyday I try to argue in favour of the project, I still use it for myself everywhere but increasingly things happen that just don't on other volunteer projects... it's rather difficult to argue the case when they can install Ubuntu or whatever nonsense distro is the current favourite and it just works.  Just a bit more accurate info would solve it, if it doesn't do X reliably, or Y has changed, note it.

You asked a question and got two or three responses back in a day.  You mentioned trying different timekeeping choices, but I don't recall seeing what your kern.timecounter sysctl values looked like; without that, folks are missing info that is likely to be relevant.

Ah, well....


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