New BSD Installer

Pete French petefrench at
Fri Feb 17 11:12:17 UTC 2012

> I wasn't aware you could do that.  I was only aware that it was the
> other way around.  That (my) misconception seems to also be relayed
> by others such as Miroslav who said:

Should this not be the recommended way of doing things even for MBR
disks ? I have a lot of machines booting from gmirror, but we always
do it by mirroring MBR partitions (or GPT ones). I cant see why you would
want to do it the other way round in fact. It doesnt gain you anything
does it ?

As someone else pointed out, you do need to partition the two drives to
match, and add bootloaders to them. But thats not really a great
hardship is it, and everything just works properly. You dont need
any different bootloader (as it sees the start of the drive and the gmirror
stuff is at the end).

An example I have here is a machine setup with a pair of drives, each
has 3 partitions on it. ada0s1 ada0s2 and ada0s, plsu the correspoding
ones on ada1. The two s1 partititons are gmirrored for boot, and the two
s2 partitions are configured for swap, and the two s3 partitions are also
mirrored, but using ZFS instead of gmirror.

That kind of configuration is only really possible if you put the mirroring
inside the external partition table.


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