9.1 RELENG_9 Unable to cleanly dismount root partition on
Erich Dollansky
erichfreebsdlist at ovitrap.com
Mon Aug 27 10:27:08 UTC 2012
On Mon, 27 Aug 2012 11:12:52 +0100
Matt Smith <matt at xtaz.co.uk> wrote:
> On 2012-08-27 10:28, Stefan Bethke wrote:
> > Is there a particular reason you've decided to glabel your
> > partitions instead of using GPT labels? Which device did you do the
> > newfs on, the
> > GPT partition or the glabel device? My hunch is that the label
> > metadata sector at the end of the GPT partition is interfering with
> > the filesystem.
> >
> > I'd try labelling my partitions (gpart modify -i 2 -l root ada0;
> > gpart modify -i 3 -l swap), then change fstab to reference the gpt
> > labels (dev(gpt/root) instead of the glabel ones.
> >
> No reason at all really. I had just used it like that on a previous
> MBR based system and it worked fine. I have just booted it using the
> USB stick again and removed both labels metadata using glabel stop
> and clear and changed the fstab to use /dev/gpt/ labels now.
> Unfortunately the same issue persists. It mounted fine, but when I
> rebooted it it synced all buffers successfully but then gave the same
> error saying that it couldn't unmount /.
I would run plain UFS for / /var and /tmp and see what will happen then.
I know what you will answer. But it will help to isolate the problem.
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