modem support MT9234ZPX-PCIE-NV

Willy Offermans Willy at
Thu May 26 19:01:43 UTC 2011

Dear John and FreeBSD friends,

On Wed, May 25, 2011 at 12:36:30PM -0400, John Baldwin wrote:
> On Saturday, May 21, 2011 5:20:37 am Willy Offermans wrote:
> > Dear FreeBSD friends,
> > 
> > I need support with a MultiTech modem, MT9234ZPX-PCIE-NV
> > (
> > 
> > The modem is recognised during the boot event:
> > 
> > <snip>
> > pci6: <simple comms, UART> at device 0.0 (no driver attached)
> > </snip>
> > 
> > and also appears in the list of found hardware over the PCI bus:
> > 
> > <snip>
> > none1 at pci0:6:0:0:       class=0x070002 card=0x20262205 chip=0x015213a8 
> rev=0x02 hdr=0x00
> >     vendor     = 'Exar Corp.'
> >     device     = 'XR17C/D152 Dual PCI UART'
> >     class      = simple comms
> >     subclass   = UART
> > </snip>
> > 
> > However, as the boot process already mentions, there is no driver attached
> > and I cannot get the modem to appear as an accessible and functional
> > device. Is there someone, who can help me to get this modem to work?
> Try this patch to sys/dev/uart/uart_bus_pci.c:
> Index: uart_bus_pci.c
> ===================================================================
> --- uart_bus_pci.c	(revision 222248)
> +++ uart_bus_pci.c	(working copy)
> @@ -110,6 +110,7 @@ static struct pci_id pci_ns8250_ids[] = {
>  { 0x1415, 0x950b, 0xffff, 0, "Oxford Semiconductor OXCB950 Cardbus 16950 
> UART",
>  	0x10, 16384000 },
>  { 0x151f, 0x0000, 0xffff, 0, "TOPIC Semiconductor TP560 56k modem", 0x10 },
> +{ 0x13a8, 0x0152, 0x2205, 0x2026, "MultiTech MultiModem ZPX", 0x10 },
>  { 0x9710, 0x9820, 0x1000, 1, "NetMos NM9820 Serial Port", 0x10 },
>  { 0x9710, 0x9835, 0x1000, 1, "NetMos NM9835 Serial Port", 0x10 },
>  { 0x9710, 0x9865, 0xa000, 0x1000, "NetMos NM9865 Serial Port", 0x10 },
> -- 
> John Baldwin

I have applied your suggested patch.

Upon reboot the system showed an extra serial device: 
crw-rw----  1 uucp  dialer    0,  36 May 26 19:13 /dev/cuau0
crw-rw----  1 uucp  dialer    0,  37 May 26 19:00 /dev/cuau0.init
crw-rw----  1 uucp  dialer    0,  38 May 26 19:00 /dev/cuau0.lock
crw-rw----  1 uucp  dialer    0,  55 May 26 19:00 /dev/cuau1
crw-rw----  1 uucp  dialer    0,  56 May 26 19:00 /dev/cuau1.init
crw-rw----  1 uucp  dialer    0,  57 May 26 19:00 /dev/cuau1.lock
crw-rw----  1 uucp  dialer    0,  61 May 26 19:00 /dev/cuau2
crw-rw----  1 uucp  dialer    0,  62 May 26 19:00 /dev/cuau2.init
crw-rw----  1 uucp  dialer    0,  63 May 26 19:00 /dev/cuau2.lock

the boot messages concerning uart were:

uart0: failed to enable port mapping!
uart0: failed to enable port mapping!
uart0: <16750 or compatible> mem 0xfbfffc00-0xfbffffff irq 16 at device 0.0 on pci6
uart0: [FILTER]
uart1: <16550 or compatible> port 0x3f8-0x3ff irq 4 on acpi0
uart1: [FILTER]
uart2: <16550 or compatible> port 0x2f8-0x2ff irq 3 on acpi0
uart2: [FILTER]

pciconf -lv gave the following:

uart0 at pci0:6:0:0: class=0x070002 card=0x20262205 chip=0x015213a8 rev=0x02 hdr=0x00
    vendor = 'Exar Corp.'
    device = 'XR17C/D152 Dual PCI UART'
    class  = simple comms
 subclass  = UART

 However minicom was not able to initialise the modem properly. I only saw
 some ooo.oo signs.

HylaFAX could find the modem, but was not able to initialise it:

HylaFAX scheduler on localhost: Running
Modem modem (+31455******): Waiting for modem to come ready

In the debug.log:

May 26 20:57:05 kosmos HylaFAX[2889]: Parsing hostPort(): "EPRT"
May 26 20:57:05 kosmos HylaFAX[2889]: Parsing "|1||62073|"
May 26 20:57:05 kosmos HylaFAX[2889]:  `-> s.length() = 19
May 26 20:57:05 kosmos HylaFAX[2889]:  `-> s[0] = '|'
May 26 20:57:05 kosmos HylaFAX[2889]:  `-> s[2] = '|'
May 26 20:57:05 kosmos HylaFAX[2889]:  `-> s[18] = '|'
May 26 20:57:05 kosmos HylaFAX[2889]: Looks like extended syntax: "|1||62073|" [7C: |]
May 26 20:57:05 kosmos HylaFAX[2889]: `-> Got a:[13]
May 26 20:57:05 kosmos HylaFAX[2889]: `-> Got a: 62073[19]
May 26 20:57:05 kosmos HylaFAX[2889]: Parsed: Family 1 Address Port 62073
May 26 20:57:06 kosmos HylaFAX[2891]: Parsing hostPort(): "EPRT"
May 26 20:57:06 kosmos HylaFAX[2891]: Parsing "|1||60536|"
May 26 20:57:06 kosmos HylaFAX[2891]:  `-> s.length() = 19
May 26 20:57:06 kosmos HylaFAX[2891]:  `-> s[0] = '|'
May 26 20:57:06 kosmos HylaFAX[2891]:  `-> s[2] = '|'
May 26 20:57:06 kosmos HylaFAX[2891]:  `-> s[18] = '|'
May 26 20:57:06 kosmos HylaFAX[2891]: Looks like extended syntax: "|1||60536|" [7C: |]
May 26 20:57:06 kosmos HylaFAX[2891]: `-> Got a:[13]
May 26 20:57:06 kosmos HylaFAX[2891]: `-> Got a: 60536[19]
May 26 20:57:06 kosmos HylaFAX[2891]: Parsed: Family 1 Address Port 60536

So it looks promising, but the goal has not been achieved yet.

Is there something that needs to be done?

Met vriendelijke groeten,
With kind regards,
Mit freundlichen Gruessen,


 W.K. Offermans
Home:   +31 45 544 49 44
Mobile: +31 681 15 87 68
e-mail: Willy at

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