OS X Lion time machine => (afpd|iSCSI) => ZFS question

Chuck Swiger cswiger at mac.com
Thu Jul 21 23:17:32 UTC 2011

On Jul 21, 2011, at 3:40 PM, Bakul Shah wrote:
> On Thu, 21 Jul 2011 15:28:08 PDT Chuck Swiger <cswiger at mac.com>  wrote:
>> On Jul 21, 2011, at 2:56 PM, Bakul Shah wrote:
>>> I am in no hurry to upgrade my MBP to OS X Lion but given Lion
>>> time machine and netatalk issues,
>> Which issues?  (And did you file a bug report?  :-)
> Google `os x lion netatalk time machine'!

With due respect for the search folks up the road in Mountain View, I asked which issues you'd had and whether you'd filed a bug report about them.

> But briefly, a newer version of the appletalk protocol is used with lion time
> machine which is not supported by netatalk in the ports.

Ah, yes: anything below AFP 3.2 or direct block access is likely ENOTSUP.

>>> I got wondering if iSCSI on FreeBSD is stable enough for
>>> time machine use. How much duct tape and baling wire are needed
>>> to make it work?!
>> There was a fine discussion about this here:
>>  http://freebsd.1045724.n5.nabble.com/ZFS-vs-OSX-Time-Machine-td4346562.html
> Thanks. I think I saw it back then.... Nothing new since then?

Aside from Lion, you mean?  Well, FreeBSD seems to be making progress with ZFS and memory tuning; I'm not as familiar with work being done on iSCSI.


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