ZFS root on MB Intel S3420GP

Lystopad Olexandr laa at laa.zp.ua
Sun Apr 17 12:49:25 UTC 2011


I have this hardware:

smbios.system.maker="Intel Corporation"

with 4G ram and 4x WD 500G drives.

I try both raids in the bios, in both cases i try raid 10.
I.e. I have 1Tb ar0 device.

After reading http://wiki.freebsd.org/RootOnZFS/GPTZFSBoot/RAIDZ1 I
try to install FreeBSD on this box, but I change ad0..ad1.. to my
ar0 device. I try to have zfs on intel raid10.

All commands run successfully, but after reboot I have:

gptzfsboot no zfs pools located: can't boot

What mistake I made? 

What best solution with my hardware exist?

 Lystopad Olexandr 

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