drives >2TB on mpt device

Gerrit Kühn gerrit at
Mon Apr 4 14:03:34 UTC 2011

On Mon, 4 Apr 2011 14:36:25 +0100 Bruce Cran <bruce at> wrote
about Re: drives >2TB on mpt device:

Hi Bruce,

BC> It looks like a known issue:

Hm, I don't know if this is exactly what I'm seeing here (although the
cause may be the same):
I do not use mptutil. The controller is "dumb" (without actual raid
processor), and I intend to use it with zfs. However, I cannot even get
gpart to create a partition larger than 2TB, because mpt comes back with
only 2TB after probing the drive. As this is a problem that already exists
with 1 drive, I cannot use gstripe or zfs to get around this.
But the PR above states that this limitation is already built into mpt, so
my only chance is probably to try a different controller/driver (any
suggestions for a cheap 8port controller to use with zfs?), or to wait
until mpt is updated to support larger drives. Does anyone know if there
is already ongoing effort to do this?


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