Constant rebooting after power loss

George Kontostanos gkontos.mail at
Fri Apr 1 12:17:44 UTC 2011

Not with the same behavior and it depends on what your server is doing at
the time of the power interruption. In most cases you wouldn't see anything
but ZFS is not the solution to your problem. ZFS is not designed to replace
the needs of a UPS.

On Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 2:27 PM, Marko Lerota <mlerota at> wrote:

> Today one of my home servers lost power two times in a short
> period of time. After that, the system just couldn't get up.
> Background checks couldn't get started. The messages was how
> / /tmp /var etc...had to much errors. And at the end, always
> got this: "automatic reboot will start in 15sec".
> I went to single user mode, and ran FSCK manually. That solved
> the problem. But the server was down for 2 hours.
> This is not the first time that I had to do this. Every now
> and then I have seen this on BSD servers without UPS.
> My question is:
> Would it happen if I had ZFS as a file system on all partitions
> including root?
> The setup was FreeBSD 8.1, with two disks in raid 1 with gmirror.
> --
> Marko Lerota
> Sent from my Gnus Mailer
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George Kontostanos <>

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