Upcoming Release Schedule

Ken Smith kensmith at buffalo.edu
Fri Oct 22 15:52:39 UTC 2010

Just a quick note to say the target schedule for the release of
FreeBSD 7.4 and 8.2 has been worked out.  We will be shooting
for a dual release (same target dates for both releases).  The
major highlights are:

Freeze:         Nov. 28, 2010
BETA1:          Dec. 3, 2010
RC1:            Dec. 17, 2010
RC2:            Jan 7, 2011
REL:            Jan 21, 2011

It is expected that 7.4 will be the last of the 7.X releases.

The schedules are available on the Web:


as are the Wiki pages that will be used to track the progress
of the releases:


While on the topic of releases, branches, etc...  On a slightly
related note the November 2010 Monthly Snapshots will be the last
to include stable/6 (RELENG_6, 6.X) since secteam support for that
branch will end at the end of November.  I'll make a separate,
explicit announcement about that once the November 2010 Snapshots
become available.

                                                Ken Smith
- From there to here, from here to      |       kensmith at buffalo.edu
  there, funny things are everywhere.   |
                      - Theodor Geisel  |
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