mouse problems....

Warren Block wblock at
Wed Oct 13 15:03:26 UTC 2010

On Wed, 13 Oct 2010, Polytropon wrote:

> Correct. If you disable HAL, and your X is configured to run *WITH*
> HAL, it won't run anymore. Edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf (and if not
> present, create it) to make X work *WITHOUT* HAL.
> How it is to be done is described here:

I've followed only parts of this thread, and there are multiple 
problems.  First is installing X on a server.  Second is a KVM switch, 
many of which are problematic.  Next is that the KVM converts USB to 
PS/2, which... well, maybe it's fine.  Finally, a "jumpy mouse" problem 
with moused on console screams that it's the KVM, not moused or USB or 
xorg config.

My suggestion would be to *not* install X on a server.  If it's really 
required, use an actual keyboard and monitor on that server for those 
times when ssh -X/-Y aren't enough, and avoid the KVM.

> If you use a USB mouse, set moused_enable="NO", as the USB subsystem
> will call moused with the correct settings automatically.

USB mice cause moused to be run anyway, but there are differences.  If 
you want switching between X and console to be fast, enable moused.

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