VirtualBox OpenSolaris guest

Alex Goncharov alex-goncharov at
Fri Oct 8 18:47:28 UTC 2010

,--- You/Harald (Fri, 8 Oct 2010 20:00:46 +0200) ----*
| My hope to find an interim solution for the flashplayer nightmare
| (while waiting for gnash) can be measured by the amount of hours
| I've spent to get flash - easily and long-term-wise -  playing  on FreeBSD,
| Ubuntu, PCBSD...
| I guess that FreeBSD will never be supported by Adobe.

Flash works beautifully for me on FreeBSD 8.1 in both Firefox 3.6 (use
the instructions at
and in Opera (linux and native.)

Is your problem "flash" or "audio" (i.e. can you play an mp3 file with
mpg123, for example)?

-- Alex -- alex-goncharov at --

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