ahcich timeouts, only with ahci, not with ataahci

Alexander Motin mav at FreeBSD.org
Tue Mar 30 21:04:17 UTC 2010

Harald Schmalzbauer wrote:
> Alexander Motin schrieb am 29.03.2010 21:25 (localtime):
>> If you wish to send drive - my address is:
> Can you use such a drive? I mean for yourself. If yes, then I'll ship
> it, but if you say "na, thanks, no such crap" then I don't want to waste
> your time and highly appreciated skills to bother with vendor-specific
> problems.

I have enough drives, so I don't really need one more. If it is really
vendor-specific problem (looking on messages I don't have much doubts)
then I am not sure I can do much to it, except just making sure that
error recovery code handles situation well and writing some quirks to
somehow workaround problem for this particular drive, if it is possible.

Alexander Motin

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