8-STABLE freezes on UDP traffic (DNS), 7.x doesn't

Pyun YongHyeon pyunyh at gmail.com
Thu Mar 25 18:53:27 UTC 2010

On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 09:39:40AM -0600, Michael Loftis wrote:
> --On Thursday, March 25, 2010 3:22 PM +0100 Attila Nagy <bra at fsn.hu> wrote:
> <...>
> >Both unbound and python accepts DNS requests, and it seems when 25%
> >interrupt happens, only unbound is in *udp state, where it is 50%, both
> >programs are in that state.
> Try turning of hardware TSO/checksum offload if it's availble on your 
> chipset?  ifconfig <interface> -rxcsum -txcsum -tso -- I'm only using nfe 
> chips right now, but w/ the TSO/CSUM on they lock up constantly under high 
> load.  We're pretty sure it's mostly the nfe driver, or the chips 

If you have nfe(4) issues please file PR for that. I'm not aware of
TSO, Tx checksum offloading related issue of nfe(4). Due to lack of
documentation for the controller it might be hard to analyze the
issue but it may help other users who are suffering from the same

> themselves, but have never ruled out some generic 8.x hardware offload 
> issues.

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