Does zfs have it's own nfs server?

Charles Sprickman spork at
Fri Mar 19 23:50:26 UTC 2010

On Fri, 19 Mar 2010, Willem Jan Withagen wrote:

> On 17-3-2010 9:27, Matthias Gamsjager wrote:
>> sharenfs does work in freebsd but iscsi does not. I'm not sure about smb.
>> about nfs: you should take a look at /etc/zfs/exports
>> On Wed, Mar 17, 2010 at 9:15 AM, Harald Schmalzbauer
>> <h.schmalzbauer at>  wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I observed some very strange filesystem security problems.
>>> Now I found that if I set sharenfs=yes data/pub I can mount_nfs but it
>>> does't respect any settings in /etc/exports. Also I get very strange uid
>>> numbers when writing.
>>> If I turn sharenfs off, limitations in /etc/exports work as expected.
>>> I thought sharenfs and sharesmb are only working on OpenSolaris. What 
>>> about
>>> shareiscsi?
> I do not use /etc/exports for zfs shares....
> But instead of yes as value, you can use the NFS-options as string and that 
> gets it into /etc/zfs/exports.

Just wondering, is this using the base nfsd/mountd, or is there some 
in-kernel nfs code strictly for zfs?  I haven't found much info on the 
share* options in the manpage or wiki.

Could you give an example of passing options that would say, limit to a 
subnet and map root to root using the zfs sharenfs command?



> --WjW
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