I broke my SSH to jails after 7.2-8.0 src upgrade

Doug Barton dougb at FreeBSD.org
Sun Mar 14 09:40:34 UTC 2010

On 03/14/10 01:11, Greg Byshenk wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 13, 2010 at 09:33:50PM -0800, Doug Barton wrote:
>> On 03/12/10 02:13, Greg Byshenk wrote:
>>> I would put in a word for 'mergemaster -F' (or maybe '-iF') in such
>>> cases.
>> At this point the -U option is generally a safer bet. The only time this
>> won't work for you is when upgrading from an older -RELEASE where you've
>> never run mergemaster previously, in which case it will bark loudly that
>> there is no mtree database. You could then run 'mergemaster -Fi' as you
>> suggested, and run 'mergemaster -U' immediately thereafter and you
>> should get as much "automation" as is possible.
> I don't actually want "as much 'automation' as is possible".  Generally
> I want to know what is being modified, even if it is in a file that I
> haven't changed.  I like '-F' because it allows me to ignore the huge
> number of files that aren't actually changed -- except the RCS line --
> that sometimes arise when moving between versions.

Ok, fair enough; that's why there are two options. :)



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