[HEADSUP]: Ports feature freeze for 8.1 now in effect

Erwin Lansing erwin at FreeBSD.org
Fri Jun 18 12:10:29 UTC 2010

In preparation for 8.1-RELEASE, the ports tree is now in feature freeze.

Normal upgrade, new ports, and changes that only affect other branches
are allowed without prior approval but with the extra Feature safe: yes
tag in the commit message. Any commit that is sweeping, i.e. touches a
large number of ports, infrastructural changes, commits to ports with
unusually high number of dependent ports, and any other commit that
requires the rebuilding of many packages is not allowed without prior
explicit approval from portmgr after that date.

When in doubt, please do not hesitate to contact portmgr.

Erwin Lansing                                   http://droso.org
Prediction is very difficult
especially about the future                    erwin at FreeBSD.org
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