Using GTP and glabel for ZFS arrays

Adam Vande More amvandemore at
Thu Jul 22 04:29:55 UTC 2010

On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 11:20 PM, Charles Sprickman <spork at> wrote:

> -Does it only affect the new drives with 4K blocks?

No, although blocksize does effect these symptoms

> -If it does not, is it generally good to start your first partition at 1MB
> in?  How exactly does doing this "fix" the alignment issue?

To be clear, we are talking about data partitions, not the boot one.
Difficult for me to explain concisely, but basically it has to do with seek
time.  A mis-aligned partition will almost always have an extra seek for
each standard seek you'd have on aligned one.  There have been some
discussions about in the archives, also this is not unique to FreeBSD so
google will have a more detailed and probably better explanation.

> I assume the same can be applied if you do boot from zfs; you'd still
> create the "freebsd-boot" partition starting at 34, but your next partition
> (be it swap or zfs) would start either 512 or 1024 sectors in?


Adam Vande More

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