Unable to boot FreeBSD 8.0-p3

GNUbie gnubie at gmail.com
Thu Jul 1 16:27:45 UTC 2010

Hello Mark,

On Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 12:22 AM, Mark Blackman <mark at exonetric.com> wrote:
> GNUbie wrote:
>> Moving forward, what are your recommendations in order for me to be
>> able to boot from my system?
> Boot from a "live" CD of some recent/reasonable vintage, mount the
> filesystems and try to reinstall the old kernel installation? probably
> as simple as a
> 1. "move installed kernel directory to another name"
> 2. "move kernel.old directory to kernel"
> Bear in mind, I've not done this kind of fiddling for a while, so
> I might have the precise details wrong.

I have here the FreeBSD 8.0 installer. Choosing "upgrade" is different
in what are you trying to recommend, right? If that is the case, I
will chroot to the HDD's / once I'm able to mount it?



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