recent 8.2-STABLE commits break nullfs for tinderbox?

Matthias Andree mandree at
Wed Dec 22 13:21:24 UTC 2010

Am 22.12.2010 13:44, schrieb Mike Tancsa:
> On 12/22/2010 7:03 AM, Matthias Andree wrote:
>> Greetings,
>> I'm tracking 8.2-PRERELEASE, and it appears that recent commits to nullfs, zfs,
>> vfs, or thereabouts have broken Tinderbox for me.
>> I'm mounting my ports tree via nullfs, which has been working fine for a year.
>> Any ideas, or further info needed?
> Hi,
> 	Whats specifically broken ?  Two of the freebsd tinderbox machines are
> RELENG_8 from Dec 3 and they are fine.  However, they dont use nullfs,
> just zfs and ufs.  Is it just nullfs thats broken ? What are the errors
> you are getting ?

I updated after that.

mount_nullfs /usr/ports.cvs /usr/local/tinderbox/portstrees/FreeBSD/ports fails
with "resource conflict avoided".  I'll now rebuild GENERIC from scratch
(including "make clean") to see if that helps.

Tried switching to NFS, this appears to work now.

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